Work plan > Summer plan

Middle school summer study plan

Grasp the days before the holidays

Many middle school students can't study with peace of mind a few days after they have just taken a vacation. Give yourself a reason to "learn for half a year, relax for a few days, and then start learning again after seven days." However, often, when you play it, you can't take it. When you leave school, there are still a few days, and you find that the homework has not been done halfway. What is even more frightening is that many children have difficulty in entering the state after school, and the decline in performance has become the inevitable result of holiday study. Parents should not stop children from “playing”, let alone let them “play”. It is important for children to arrange their time scientifically and truly combine the quality of “play” with “learning”. Therefore, during the summer vacation , the key is to develop a regular “learning and playing plan” for the children. It is best to play and learn every day, even if you need to take a few days or even ten days to play. In the first few days, the biological clock should be adjusted first in strict accordance with the fixed schedule.

Choosing an extracurricular tutoring agency should pay attention to "the right medicine"

For many children, they will not arrange their own study, their self-learning ability is not strong, and some of them are partial. Some parents will choose to ask their children for tutoring, remedial classes, or report some summer camps to remind parents that there are many tutoring institutions. Even if the counseling organizations that are good in all aspects have their own characteristics, to choose an extra-curricular counseling institution for their children, it is necessary to analyze whether the "characteristics" of the institution is directed at the "characteristics" of their children. Experts recommend that parents, when planning a specific arrangement for their children's summer vacation , find a person who is trusted by the child, and have certain learning or teaching experience to help them formulate a summer study plan and make the child's "high" when choosing an tutoring institution. Participate."

Arrangements other than learning must give children a certain "autonomy"

In the eyes of some children, parents must be unhappy whenever they play. "Although they don't say it, I know they don't want me to play," one classmate said to the teacher. During the summer vacation , parents should not let their children remain under the pressure of learning. So that the child is in the state of being forced to learn by the parents all day, and the state of playing can be played. A junior child talked to the teacher and said: "When I watched TV, my hand kept holding the remote control. When the door rang, I immediately turned off and pretended to go to the bathroom." There is such a story, two cities. The policy for dealing with garbage is different. A city is everywhere, "There is no garbage to be dumped here." As a result, the citizens often sneak up and dump the garbage everywhere, making the city very messy; B city puts "here can dump garbage" in several places, the citizens They dumped the garbage in places where garbage was allowed to be dumped, and most of the city was clean and tidy. Smart parents will naturally get inspiration from how to treat their children from this old story. “The most important thing is that parents must develop targeted strategies for the characteristics of their children.”

1. Look at the math book and try to understand the basic knowledge. There are more summer vacations and more time for self-study, so the medicine is well grasped. I don’t understand what I usually learn. Pave the way for next semester study

2. Learning mathematics, not doing the problem is not good, mathematics pays attention to a wide range of knowledge, some have not seen the problem, you have done, it is very easy.

3. Mathematics, holiday remedial classes can be properly arranged, after all, the first day, do not be too nervous, make up the class to be targeted, do not understand what you do not understand, or do not understand.

4. Appropriate preparation is also necessary. The focus of the second day should be a function and a quad, which can be used to prepare for more basic things.

Of course, the ability is different and the requirements are different.

Chinese language and literature should be relatively easy, mainly to recite some of the ancient Chinese in the next period. This is very important, laying the foundation for the study of the beginning of school.

It is useful to read the words in English as far as possible without writing the first 250 words and to buy the tapes that accompany the teaching materials. Review is a word that you have learned, and you will write as much as possible. There is also a back text to enhance the sense of language. Very important

Physical physics is newly added in the second year. I am interested in previewing. I think it is very simple. As long as the teacher listens carefully, it will be OK.

All of the above need to be sustained and useful.

If you feel a little boring

Can enrich your daily life, sports is also a subject in the entrance examination, we must pay attention to it. Usually get up in the morning, run, swim, etc.

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