Work plan > Summer plan

My summer plan is 5

My summer vacation plan:
A pleasant summer vacation has arrived. In order to make my holiday life full of health, fun and meaningful, I have specially developed a specific plan for my summer vacation . My plan is roughly divided into two areas: learning plans, life plans.
First, the study plan is as follows:
1. Strive to complete the three-door summer homework from July 1st to July 20th. It is planned to complete 6 summer homework operations every day.
2. Pre-study of ancient poetry in the sixth grade of the Chinese language, classical Chinese, and so on. And there are key choices to memorize.
3. Prepare for mathematics related content in the sixth grade.
4. Prepare the sixth grade English course, dictate the words and listen to the tape.
5. Watch extracurricular books, newspapers, and cartoons every day, but the time is not too long.
6. Write a summer diary, write 10 articles, and practice pen characters.
Second, the life plan is as follows:
1. Cultivate an individual's ability to live, such as cooking and washing clothes. Help your parents do some housework as much as they can, sweep the floor, give parents back, buy something for their parents, and so on.
2. Pay attention to personal safety and other aspects. Do not swim in the river privately. You cannot go out privately and do not do dangerous and illegal things.
3. Exercise every day, keep running, and climb the mountain every Sunday. Go to the swimming pool once a week to swim. Get up early every day, don't sleep late. If the parents are not at home, they can't open the door to strangers and don't talk to strangers. Seeing people should be polite.
This is my summer vacation plan. I believe that as long as I carefully implement these plans, I will definitely have a wonderful and enjoyable summer vacation !

My summer vacation plan:

A pleasant summer vacation has arrived. In order to make my holiday life full of health, fun and meaningful, I have specially developed a specific plan for my summer vacation . My plan is roughly divided into two areas: learning plans, life plans.
First, the study plan is as follows:
1. Strive to complete the three-door summer homework from July 1st to July 20th. It is planned to complete 6 summer homework operations every day.
2. Pre-study of ancient poetry in the sixth grade of the Chinese language, classical Chinese, and so on. And there are key choices to memorize.
3. Prepare for mathematics related content in the sixth grade.
4. Prepare the sixth grade English course, dictate the words and listen to the tape.
5. Watch extracurricular books, newspapers, and cartoons every day, but the time is not too long.
6. Write a summer diary, write 10 articles, and practice pen characters.
Second, the life plan is as follows:
1. Cultivate an individual's ability to live, such as cooking and washing clothes. Help your parents do some housework as much as they can, sweep the floor, give parents back, buy something for their parents, and so on.
2. Pay attention to personal safety and other aspects. Do not swim in the river privately. You cannot go out privately and do not do dangerous and illegal things.
3. Exercise every day, keep running, and climb the mountain every Sunday. Go to the swimming pool once a week to swim. Get up early every day, don't sleep late. If the parents are not at home, they can't open the door to strangers and don't talk to strangers. Seeing people should be polite.
This is my summer vacation plan. I believe that as long as I carefully implement these plans, I will definitely have a wonderful and enjoyable summer vacation !

My summer vacation plan:

I am going to go to the country soon. During this holiday, I am happy and pour the enzyme. In these few days, my mother has given me a cram school everywhere. I don’t want to go to it. I have been squatting for six years. I always want to The last holiday of the National Elementary School was a great time to play, but unfortunately I couldn’t play it. Hey, I also asked me to write a summer vacation plan. I had to write it. My summer vacation plan is as follows.
1. Write the summer life guide in three days.
2. Write a blog post for two days and write it well.
3. If you can't finish your homework, you won't be allowed to play.
4. I am doing well, let me take me to the mountains to play with the water.
The above is my summer vacation plan, I hope everyone can vote for me. thank you all. Thank you.

My summer vacation plan:

I am going to the fifth grade soon, and the knowledge is difficult. I have to quickly allocate my summer vacation plan.
First of all, I have to finish my summer homework. If I can finish it in the first month, then I will do something meaningful in the last month! First, I want to write some campus novels and send them to Sunshine Sister. Second, of course, it is to play. What to play? Going to East Lake Park to play, going to Jusco to play, and going to Hi-City is no point at all. I think of it, playing at home, playing hide-and-seek, playing with a ball, and so on. You must have seen that these points are not fun, but I tell you that this is the beauty of ordinary appearance. Hey!
This summer 's summer vacation plan is like this. I hope everyone can like it, maybe I can write a campus novel. One of the protagonists is you!

My summer vacation plan:

I am a first-year student from Luoyang. I have been in Shanghai this summer with my mother. This is for a reason. The Shanghai World Expo is the biggest gathering of the world's attention. So I can't miss the opportunity.
As for my holiday plan. I arranged this. In order to supplement the regrets of getting up early in school. First of all, there is a reason to sleep late in the morning. But everyone should not think that I am lazy until noon. I get up at about 7:30. The time is more precious. So I write Chinese and English homework. There is still an hour of practice. I am not afraid of everyone's jokes. My man is as illegible as Oracle. So the summer practice has become a compulsory course. In the afternoon, you can do some math problems. Then read the extracurricular books. Look at the TV, go online. Because my vision is not good. Mom controls my time in front of the computer and TV. The evening is to tutor math and English. Because these two lessons are my nemesis. I can't learn well. I think I am depressed. Fortunately, Tao teacher who gave me counseling is a very responsible teacher. I also like to listen to him. In less than half a month, mathematics has improved significantly.
I will go to the Expo site in mid-July. Everyone is looking forward to my visit to the Expo. I hope to support me. Thank you!

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