Work plan > Summer plan

Third grade summer study plan

First, life plan

I go to bed at 10 o'clock every Sunday to Thursday, and get up at 7:15 in the morning.

Play the computer for one hour every day while completing the study plan and ensuring that you sleep at 10 o'clock in the evening.

Second, the first stage of learning

1. Complete 7 pages of Summer Homework every day.

2, 10 math problems per day.

3. English is completed 1 page per day.

Third, the second stage of learning

1, 10 math problems per day.

2. Develop language composition skills.

3. Develop English reading and listening skills.

4. Mathematical Olympiad practice.

On July 20, Han Yunpei successfully completed the first phase of the learning task. From July 21st, enter the second phase of learning, the plan is as follows:

First, the language

1. "Good words and good sentences": Write three lines of good words, copy each word twice, and ask to understand the meaning of the words and under what circumstances.

2. Read two essays written by Guo Xiaosheng's composition every day, and ask to carefully read and understand the contents of "Board Book" and "Thunder Zone".

3, two days to recite a writing composition.

4, four days recite "How to read and write human articles."

Second, English

1. Reciting 5 English card words every day, asking for reading and writing.

2. Watch an English CD or listen to an English tape for one hour every day, and ask to understand and follow.

Third, mathematics

1, ten math problems every day.

2, learn an hour of Olympics every day.

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