Work Plan > Youth League Committee Work Plan

University League branch work plan

1. Responsible for the overall work of the Youth League Branch, timely dissemination of the resolutions and indicators of the Party organizations at the same level and the organization of the higher-level organizations, and the study of the work of the Branch Branches in light of the specific conditions of the Youth League Branch.

Second, understand the mastery of the thoughts, life and learning of our team members, find problems in a timely manner, and do regular ideological and political work.

Third, check the implementation of the branch work plan, report to the branch committee, the party organization at the same level, and the higher level organization on time.

Fourth, do a good job in the internal construction of the branch of our team, study hard, open a democratic life meeting on time, strengthen unity, supervise and help members to do the work in charge.

5. Regularly prepare for the re-election of my class committee, establish a perfect work order, do a good job in the development of new members, recommend excellent members to join the party, collect the group fees and various report work within the group, and educate the members and students to abide by School rules and regulations.

Sixth, the school celebration week actively organized all the members of our class to vigorously carry out activities such as "learning advanced, creating first-class excellence", "speaking civilization, building a new style", and constantly paying attention to the exemplary role and typical demonstration role of the members.

7. The plan organizes and organizes the activities of my class in this semester.

8. Establish and improve the work system for the work of the class committee, do a good job in organizing various activities, and assist our class committee to do the routine routine management of the flight.

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