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Summary of year-end work of a real estate development company in 2019

Yiyuan Street is located in the central city, with an area of ​​0.85 square kilometers. It is dominated by municipal administrative agencies and has few commercial outlets. With the rise of the real estate industry, eight office buildings headed by Yidong Building in the jurisdiction have brought to the Yuanyuan area. Business.

In 2000x, the financial revenue of Yiyuan Street was 51 million yuan, of which 43.44 million yuan came from 8 buildings of Yidong, Jinyuan, Egang, Rotary, Rotary, Yongsheng, Xinyuan and Women's Federation, accounting for 80% of the total financial revenue of the whole street. the above. In addition, the surrounding areas of the 8 buildings have formed a karaoke street, a street for dining and cultural services, and a leisure street provides business opportunities and employment opportunities for residents in the Yuan Dynasty. Only the preservation, work and maintenance, and vehicle management personnel of these 8 buildings will be resettled by 230 people in the jurisdiction.

“Building economy” is an economic form that reflects the intensive and high-density characteristics of commercial buildings and functional plates and regions. It is accompanied by urbanization and is a new way for urban centers to develop regional economies. According to one statistic, the benefits generated by many companies in a high-end commercial building are equal to the economic benefits of 7.8 square kilometers in the urban-rural integration department. Shanghai has taken the lead in developing the building economy and has achieved successful experience. For example, the taxes paid by enterprises entering the commercial building in Jing'an District of Shanghai account for more than 40% of the total tax revenue. Among them, the Kerry Business Center on Nanjing West Road has a tax revenue of 142 million yuan in half a year, which shows that the “building economy” implies The enormous energy cannot be underestimated. Practice has proved that the "building economy" is not only a noun, it contains the direction of the development of the street economy, and it is a shift from the establishment of street-based enterprises to the regional economic perspective. With the development of society, the central city has moved to the era of “building economy”, and the three-dimensional business street will be the highlight of the street economy.

Looking back on the first three years of the "10th Five-Year Plan" period, under the leadership of the district committee and district government, in accordance with the guiding ideology of the "three represents", our street will focus on accelerating development, focus on improving economic efficiency, relying on the community and standing on the ground. Private, strong financial resources, strong areas and rich people, promote economic, social and environmentally sustainable development, and continue to promote privatization, shareholding, and intensification of the community economy, in order to fully implement the tasks identified each year, all the streets, change pressure as the driving force, Difficult to make progress, in the optimization of resource structure to promote the transformation of functions, foster regional economy, maintain the stability of the industry, etc., have made a lot of painstaking efforts, and achieved some results, mainly in:

The economic aggregate continued to be stable and growing rapidly. The total output value of industrial enterprises above designated size was completed from the total of 8.29 million yuan in XX years to 14.12 million yuan in XX, and the GDP reached 7.6 million yuan in XX years to XX years. Increased to 108.2 million yuan, the financial income from the increase of 12 million yuan in XX years to 211 years to 51 million yuan, all indicators exceeded the target tasks of the district government.

The economic environment is continuously optimized, and all functional departments of the whole street are based on reality, continuously deepen the service connotation, and optimize the service means. From street to street, from street to community, the work object has changed, and the service mode has changed. . In recent years, we have targeted the municipal authorities, borrowed the leadership's broad ideas, and further strengthened the links between the economic leverage sectors such as industry and commerce and taxation, and transmitted information through multiple channels and channels, serving enterprises, tapping potential advantages, and giving political attention to the policy. Offer offers on the service, give promises on the service, and do everything possible to attract merchants to enter our street. In the past three years, the whole street has introduced more than 500 enterprises of various types, with registered capital exceeding 64 million yuan and fixed assets investment of 80 million yuan.

The characteristic roads and street economy are becoming more and more obvious. In Cai'an Road, Huangxing Road, Station Road, Dongting Street and Shengli Street, which are marked by the characteristic economy along the Yangtze River, there are a large number of emerging services such as restaurants, leisure centers, cafes, karaoke, and travel services. The industry has made the connotation and development of the three industries of our street more obvious. In recent years, eight office buildings have been added to the beautiful scenery, and the Yuanyuan area has gradually become the center of culture, leisure and entertainment.

In the past three years, we have focused on the center of improving economic efficiency, emancipating our minds, exploring and practicing hard, laying the foundation for further rapid development of our street economy and accumulating experience. We must conscientiously sum up and innovate on the basis of inheritance. To promote the continuous development of the regional economy.

Yiyuan Street is an old city with a long history. The area is small and the population is concentrated. However, it has the characteristics of diversified demand and diverse industries. According to this characteristic, research and development of high-end trade economy, new service economy, emerging industry The economy, etc., must focus on building a new carrier for regional economic development on the existing basis - the building economy. A few years of practice made us feel: "A building is a magnetic field", huge flow of people, logistics, capital flow, information flow, gathering activities here, forming a significant "wealth effect", we insist that a building is better than a street A building is the concept of a large enterprise and vigorously develops the building economy. In the process of paying close attention to the introduction of enterprises, we will change the concept, ideas and methods of introduction, take the building as the main platform for introduction, advocate “zero toll” and achieve the concept of “introducing a batch to drive a group” and establishing unlimited areas. Catering to the current situation, giving full play to its unique location advantages, relying on the "building economy" as the center, relying on the river beach, establishing a food culture, entertainment, leisure and tourism characteristic street, forming a fusion of economy and culture to achieve mutual complementation and mutual promotion. Although Yiyuan Street has a resource advantage in geographical location, there is indeed an article on how to “get in and stay in”. In order to let the company camp, we must work hard to create a good soft environment. The company establishes good cooperative relations, visits regularly, and actively provides services. At the same time, it actively explores the building economic model and puts forward the principle of “government guidance, market action, government-enterprise interaction” through early intervention in effective work, and tries every means to attract those who have already or will The companies that have settled in are registered in our region to pay taxes. The first model network.

At the same time, we must correctly understand and analyze the situation in the one-dimensional region, seize opportunities, give play to advantages, avoid risks, and implement them. The implementation of implementation is first and foremost the ability of leading cadres at all levels, especially the ability to control economic work. It is necessary to study the market economy knowledge, scientific and technological knowledge, legal knowledge and relevant knowledge of the WTO in a targeted manner, concentrate on thinking, study hard, further familiar with economic work, be good at grasping the internal relationship of economic development and its development direction, and improve the economic work. The ability to improve the level of scientific decision-making and administration according to law. At the same time, it is necessary to train cadres to go deep into the grassroots style and improve their ability to improve their work skills and manage economic and social affairs through contact with enterprises. Specifically, in the work of the new year, we will focus on the following aspects:

1. Continue to focus on the requirements of economic integration in the whole region and the overall layout of the economic development of the “three districts and one district” of the city, and combine the reality of the one-yuan region, adhere to strengthen the project support, continue to conduct statistics and tracking of major planning and implementation projects within the jurisdiction, and strive for Start with the environment, solve the contradictions and difficulties in the development of enterprises in a timely manner, and promote rapid and healthy development.

2, do everything possible to grasp the introduction, through the relationship, tap resources, increase service, around the "one, two streets, four roads, eight buildings" to draw a beautiful view of the region. “One”, along the Yangtze River Avenue, to further enrich the content of the leisure and entertainment industry, actively organize entrepreneurs associations and foreign guests

The club promotes the development of tourism in the region; “Two Streets”, namely Shengli Street and Dongting Street, promotes the cultural taste and regional image of the one-yuan area and creates a good living environment for the community, thereby promoting the flow of people, logistics and capital in the riverside area. At the same time, we must do a good job in the development of the existing commerce and trade industry; "four roads" namely Caiyi Road, Station Road, Dongting Road, Lihuang Road, will establish the characteristics of the road and street in the existing foundation of its market operation, and grasp the extension of river beach development, through government functions, Take effective measures to create a development atmosphere for the self-employed to “let go, bold, let go, rest assured” and seek to continuously enhance the overall strength of the region. The "eight buildings" are high-rise buildings including: Xinyuan Building, Jinyuan Building, Yidong Building, Rotary Building, Egang Building, Women's Federation Building, Yongsheng Building, Huaqiao Building and other eight office buildings, firmly establishing "not seeking all But seek the place, do not seek to manage, but seek development, the regional economic concept, actively expand ideas, break the restrictions of ownership, industry, affiliation, and complement the production advantages of regional resources, technology, talents, etc. , increase support, and at the same time grasp the dynamic management.

3. Identify measures to ensure new breakthroughs in economic development. The first is to optimize the environment and enhance the initiative of the service. Vigorously promote "advance intervention, active participation, unpaid service" to implement specialized departments, specialized personnel, implement strict attention to the enterprise, contact and communicate at any time, understand the needs of enterprises, effectively help enterprises solve practical difficulties and problems, and second, clarify responsibilities and form Together. All functional departments of the government, including all cadres and staff members of the community, must take the building economy and the characteristic road street economy as the focus of the new year and future economic work, and strive for taxation, industry and commerce, urban construction, planning, and land management. With the support of the departments of health and quality inspection, the main focus is on guiding services, information communication and other specific work, and issuing support policies to formulate preferential policies for the enterprises and high-tech projects, and to make joint development. The third is to persist in coordination and promote comprehensive development. While increasing the introduction, we will actively take effective measures to foster the development of existing enterprises, especially those with high potential, high technology and high market share, and encourage enterprises to strengthen the identification of quality systems and apply for patent protection. Enterprise units must help deepen the connotation of services, innovate service means, and constantly expand their own business space.

4. Job requirements. The first is to raise awareness of ideas and strengthen organizational leadership. Under the whole street, we must raise our understanding of the importance of developing a building economy from the strategic height of “enriching the people and strengthening the streets, accelerating development” and revitalizing the yuan. All relevant departments must overcome the fear of distress and regard the development of the building economy as an important measure of economic work. They should form the overall responsibility of the top leaders, the specific leadership of the leaders, and the implementation of the responsibility to the people's work pattern, and provide a reliable organizational guarantee for accelerating the development of the building economy. The second is to find out the regional assets and form a reporting system. Immediately proceed to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the buildings, factories and other buildings in the area to thoroughly understand the basic situation of all commercial buildings and idle properties. On this basis, the survey on the economic development of buildings in the area under its jurisdiction is regarded as a daily work, and dynamic management and statistics are adhered to, and statistical reports are submitted on time.

The third is to accelerate the building of the building economy and build a carrier for development. Adhere to the work guidelines of "supporting a batch, transforming a batch, and building a batch", and supervise the implementation of hardware renovation for buildings, factories and other buildings that lack environmental, quality, and management; for buildings and idle land that have not yet started construction, It is necessary to do as much as possible in accordance with the requirements of the development of the building economy, planning and design from a high starting point and a high standard, in order to speed up the development of the provider. The fourth is to increase investment and create a good environment. All departments should take investment promotion as the core of the development of building economic work, and carry out investment promotion work in all aspects and in multiple channels. And designated personnel to track services for the enterprise. The fifth is to strengthen the target assessment and implement incentive and punishment measures. The Street Work Committee and the Office dynamically track the progress of the objectives of each responsible unit. To assess and reward the completion of the building economic development goals.

In short, we must make full use of the favorable conditions of the central area to take the commercial building as the carrier, and strive to introduce large companies, large group headquarters, research and development centers, accelerate the gathering of information, sales and decision-making in the central area, and increase the knowledge type of intermediary organizations. The cultivation and introduction of the service industry enhances the ability to supply high-quality elements and further enhances and expands the service function of the central city. Therefore, we must make a fuss from the characteristics, consciously guide, scientifically plan, and rationally locate to attract higher quality. Relying on Jiangtan, we can start from the development of tourism supermarkets, use the location of government agencies to vigorously develop the technology intermediary market, and effectively use the time, location and people to push the “building economy” to a new level. Special note: The first model text editor carefully collected for you, for your reference only.

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