Work Summary > Office Work Summary

Summary of the annual work of the office in 2019

Group colleagues:

Hello everyone.

The year 2019 is about to pass, and the new year is about to unfold a new picture in front of us. Since August 2019, the company moved to the Yellow River Road office area. Under the leadership of the general manager and with the close cooperation of the company's colleagues, we completed the office administration. Through the work and study in the past few months, the office colleagues are slowly growing up and perfecting. Starting from every little thing, doing our best, exercising functions, playing the role, working for the company's normal work and various projects. Advance provides protection and support. The summary of the work in the past few months is reported as follows:

First, the main daily work

1. To undertake the collective decision-making of the leadership and the matters assigned by the leaders, and to undertake matters related to the functional departments at the same level.

As the office of the company's comprehensive office , it is directly responsible for the collective decision-making of the leadership and the leadership of individual assignments. In addition, the office will assist with the handling of matters that the leadership has to hand over to other departments. The Office will also undertake and implement specific matters that involve a wide range of issues, are not well-defined, and are not suitable for other relevant functional departments.

For a company, the offices at all levels have strengthened their ties, both "individually" and "cooperative", giving full play to the systemic role and overall effectiveness of the office. This is the success of many places. experience. My office is the central department of information communication in the process of administrative management. In this link, it acts as a link, uniting various departments and teamwork to better serve and serve leaders at all levels. The company operates normally and smoothly.

2. The office has a large contact area, a well-informed information, and extensive external contacts. Objectively speaking, the office provides a window for the leaders to provide instant information. In order to properly perform this responsibility, our office closely organizes and participates in various investigations and studies on the company's work objectives and main tasks as well as major issues that require leadership decision-making, and does a good job in collecting, screening, and transmitting information. A large amount of first-hand information obtained, comprehensive analysis, and rough extraction, so as to propose favorable factors and unfavorable factors for completing various tasks and decisions, and timely feedback to leaders to assist leaders and ensure the successful completion of various work objectives and tasks. .

3. Daily management work

The office is the department that has the most contact with other departments. It plays a role as a bridge between the various departments and the general manager. Under the guidance of the general manager, the work consciousness is changed and becomes a service provider who can smoothly carry out work for each project. The "big rear" of the company has completed the daily management of the company.

To formulate comprehensive archives and reports; conscientiously do a good job in collecting, distributing, registering, distributing and supervising all kinds of archives of the company, as well as transferring, sorting and archiving archives.

Assist the company's leaders, improve the company's system, and formulate a large number of rules and regulations, including the "Measures on the Control of the Import and Export Corporation of Hehe Chuangfu", the "Employee Management Manual", "Attendance System", etc., so that the company can be standardized in all aspects. Institutionalization.

Prepare for the meeting held at the company beforehand to ensure that the meeting is held on time. During the meeting, we will make a good record and report to the general manager after the summary. After the meeting, we will start the meeting record, track the completion, and ensure the timeliness of the meeting.

For the reception work of the company, our office has always adhered to the principle of professionalism, and completed the reception work in the most standardized way and the most professional manner to ensure the best image of the company.

Completion of the company's license processing, timely statistics and related annual inspection work, to provide protection for the company's normal operations.

The company pays attention to the cultivation of employees' amateur cultural knowledge. Our office deliberately purchases a large number of books, classifies and organizes the company's collections, and formulates the "lending book catalogue" for the company employees to borrow. The company currently has more than 200 books.

4. Acting personnel management work.

According to the needs of the company, timely release the recruitment information, according to the specific job responsibilities, carry out recruitment interviews and post-job training.

For employees, the office also regularly organizes training in business knowledge and English knowledge to improve the company's overall integration.

In order to inspire all employees' enthusiasm for work and meet new challenges in the most full-spirited state, our office has specially formulated performance appraisal specifications and annual evaluation programs.

Second, the work plan and efforts in 2019

1. Continue to improve the attendance system and establish a “time bank” to make the company's attendance system more human and flexible.

2. Completing the work analysis of each position of the company's various departments, providing a scientific basis for talent recruitment and performance appraisal. According to the different characteristics of each department, the kpi index is formulated to improve the enthusiasm of employees, work efficiency, and the company's capital turnover rate.

Do a good job in collecting the daily work information of employees and complete daily administrative recruitment and configuration.

3. Establish a tc group, through the investigation and analysis of relevant information, regularly put forward reasonable suggestions on the company's economic benefits, capital flow, employee welfare, employee career planning, etc., cultivate the ownership of employees, enhance corporate cohesion, and promote the company. Develop faster.

4. Continue to build and play the role of the basic platform of the administrative management system, continue to improve the teamwork of the department, focus on the service functions of the logistics support of various departments, continue to strengthen the ties with various departments, and establish a good communication network of the company.

5. The office has a large contact area, a well-informed information, and extensive external contacts. As an office worker, it is necessary to make full use of the conditions to continuously learn, “see the good and the good”, continuously improve the individual's comprehensive quality, and strengthen theoretical study and business. Study, strengthen service and management awareness, formulate corresponding assessment management system, clarify division of labor, fully mobilize work enthusiasm, and make the company's logistics service management work to a new level.

My office is a young team. Our experience is still our disadvantage, but our youth, vitality, passion and innovation are our great chips. I believe that how big the stage is, as long as we constantly improve ourselves. Beyond the self, on the company's picture, it will draw a gorgeous color.

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year and a happy family! Thank you!

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