Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of 2014 class moral education work

Summary of class moral education work

  The new school year, the new semester, the new beginning, the new reincarnation, and in the short semester of growth, I have a lot of feelings. Looking back at the time of a semester, there are gains, regrets, and I am thriving. Below I will briefly summarize the work of this semester.

First, implement a new mode of class management, let students manage themselves, and provide students with a stage to show their self.

A good habit is to develop education, and to develop education is to start from the beginning, from the daily, from the small. At the beginning of the new school year, I implemented a new mode of class management, which divides the class students into eight groups according to their grades. The highest score of each group is the team leader, responsible for the management team's study, activities, labor, discipline, health, etc. The team leader did his best to manage his team. The class was very stable, the learning status was good, and the management system was quite effective. I boldly empower students to manage their own classes. I think this is the highest level of work for the class teacher.

At the same time, I implemented the responsibility system of the class committee in the class. The members of the class committee were democratically elected by the class students, and they cultivated the ability in the competition. They broke the practice of appointment by the class teacher with subjective impressions and implemented the campaign system, that is, regardless of the results. High and low, as long as they have leadership and organizational skills, they can win in election speeches and democratic elections. In this way, to a certain extent, it makes up for the shortcomings of serious disconnection between theory and practice on campus, satisfies the psychological needs of high school students in the new era, and then mobilizes the overall competition consciousness of the class.

Practice has proved that the student cadres produced by the campaign, under the guidance of the class teacher, gradually become more comfortable with class management, and their ability has been improved in the tempering of class work, and their academic performance has become better and better. As the student cadres have truly become the model leaders of other students, the cohesiveness and centripetal force of the class have been enhanced, the students' efforts are more clear, the class has formed a good atmosphere, and the class teacher has been able to get rid of the "production captain" situation and be able to concentrate on teaching research.

Second, the class teacher set an example by setting an example for the students, starting from being a good person, learning to do things, and training qualified high school students.

I said that whoever brings the students in the class like me, I feel that it is not a fake. The class teacher’s words and deeds are the most direct teaching materials for students. Students will imitate their class teachers to a large extent, and will be the class teacher and himself in words and deeds. Make a comparison. Therefore, at the beginning of the school, I paid great attention to my every move, and strive to set a good example for students, teach students how to behave, how to do things, and how to do is qualified high school students.

First of all, I have carefully completed my teaching work, carefully studied the teaching materials, analyzed the basic situation of students' learning, and taught students in accordance with their aptitude and targeted knowledge. And to review some extracurricular materials related to teaching, enrich the content of the classroom, and stimulate students' interest in learning Chinese. During class, all the knowledge points are well-understood, and when they are taught, they are able to explain the questions and explain the students clearly. The students are deeply aware that they are a very hard-working class teacher. As students, they have no reason. Do not work hard.

Secondly, while managing students, they pay attention to their strict requirements. Since the beginning of the semester, I have never been late and leave early, and I have been on time for self-study, classwork, and self-study. I have said everything on time. Students can see that the class teacher can so strictly ask himself, and he can more strictly ask himself, follow the arrangement of the class teacher, and abide by the school rules and regulations.

This semester, in addition to illness or something to ask for leave, class students have never been chastened or absent from class, the class is particularly stable, and the discipline is very good. I feel that my hard work has not been in vain.

Third, promote democracy, treat all disciplines equally, and create a good class atmosphere.

A good ethos directly affects the overall situation of a class. In the class construction, I always regard the construction of the class as the top priority, strictly demanding every student and forming a good class style. Students want to be appreciated by teachers and have the opportunity to get performance. They have strong self-motivation and self-respect. Nowadays students are particularly particular about democracy. They grasp these characteristics and combine the new curriculum reform. "All for students, for students, For the slogan of all students, I treat every student equally, but equality does not mean “one size fits all”. I encourage students with good grades to let them work harder; maintain the self-esteem of the students and let them discover their own Strengths and strengths, cultivate their self-confidence, and strive to improve their academic performance; take care of the middle students and give them corresponding help according to their needs. I told the students that you are equal in this class. You are the masters of this class. You should make suggestions and contribute to the construction of this class. In all activities, the affirmation of the affirmation, the negation of the negation, but the students Very positive.

High school students, already in adulthood, have their own way of thinking, but they are still immature and need your correct guidance. Therefore, students should still be treated with "strict" words, strictly demanding students' study, and strictly demanding students' behavior habits." Strictness is strict, does not mean repression, does not suppress students by force or the identity of a teacher, and is not rigorous, so that students can recognize you and love you in your heart.

Students come from different families and have their own special environment. To understand the basic situation of students, care for students, especially those who are single-parent, stay-in, divorced, and communicate with them. However, care is not connivance, not because Students' family environment is special and relaxed for their management, love and degree, let students grow up healthily. Moreover, when students have mistakes, I have never been vocal about relatives. I mostly rely on persuasion education. The students’ outlook on life, values, and world outlook are still immature. Self-respect is particularly strong. Many things can’t be hard. The class teacher should really play. The role of spiritual leadership.

Incentives are used to improve the overall quality of students. In the construction of classes, we advocate to surpass others in terms of knowledge and to surpass ourselves in terms of quality. The former is intended to cultivate the spirit of competition and improve academic performance; the latter is intended to strengthen the psychological quality, so that in the fierce competition, always maintain a healthy state of mind and good psychological quality, and thus form a holistic quality of learning and excellence. Anyone who can surpass others is worthy of recognition. I will print a good news for the "small stars" of our class and encourage him to give full play to his strengths to achieve greater progress.

The above three aspects are my work experience in the new school year and the new semester. I have a lot of work, and my work methods are different. The situation and tasks are changing. I can only work hard and explore and summarize in practice. Effective methods and experience have brought the level of class management to a new level.

Ordinary class students, poor grades, poor behavior, loose, no rules, but the feelings are very rich, I bring love, approach them, let students from like me, like my class, to listen to me, To achieve class stability, a strong learning atmosphere, and the purpose of the class.

Summary of class moral education work

  As a dynamic system, the moral education process is a process of development and change. It is the process of educators using the moral norms required by society to influence the educated, inspiring them to consciously accept education and forming the ideological and moral process that the educator expects. The author believes that In the process of moral education, only the unity of knowledge, love and action can be achieved in order to receive the expected moral education effect. Knowledge, love, and behavior are related to each other, affect each other, promote each other, and transform each other. Generally speaking, the cultivation of "knowledge" is the foundation; the realization of "walking" is the key and symbol; the "love" acts as an intermediary and a "catalyst". Therefore, the cultivation of students' ideological and moral character must be: "Drug for reason, move with emotion, guide and act with perseverance", and promote the unified and harmonious development of the four elements.

It is not enough to consider the process of ideology and morality education. It is necessary to positively promote what is advocated by class meetings or team activities, what is restricted, what is prohibited, but it is necessary to seize the opportunity to create a natural and harmonious environment and strive to inspire students themselves. "Internal stress" and moral emotions are another matter. In the school, the classroom is the main place for students to receive ideological and moral education. Teachers here, some through the special class activities, some explore the educational factors of the discipline itself, and some based on the students' personality and psychological characteristics, according to the situation, to achieve various educational expectations. However, it should also be noted that due to the lack of understanding of the student’s “mains demand is the driving force of internalization”, research on how to internalize the society’s first norm into the students’ own quality is not enough, and some aspects of our education are vulnerable. With blunt. In such positive education situations, it is sometimes difficult for students to let go of themselves. They are often the first passive recipients of consciousness. Even if students are arranged to speak at the event, what is said is often what I should say at the moment, instead of The inner feelings of the heart, can not expect this formation will achieve good results. In fact, the education that really touches the soul of the students is often without revealing. It happens not only in the playground, but also in the ten minutes between classes, and in the most natural life and situations that are not prepared in advance. Therefore, emotional education is the initiator of the moral education workers to open the students' minds, and is the intermediary and "catalyst" of "knowing" and "going".

Emotional love

An important feature of emotion is that it is infectious, that is, emotionally emotional. That is, within a certain time and scope, emotions can infect other people, causing them to have the same or associated emotions. The newly formed 98-level public relations class, two female students have a squabble because of small things, and then swearing in the opposite direction, causing a great uproar in the class. Afterwards, I did not arbitrarily slap 50 boards, but I was looking for the parties to calm down and understand the situation, and I intend to seize this opportunity to hold a theme class meeting. The class will use the group as the competition unit to arrange the songs, allusions, proverbs, celebrity famous words and other items that the students like to hear. The competition is centered on "unity, friendship and affection". The students are in high spirits. participate. When the activity went to the climax, I wrote the words "You, me, and him in the big family" on the blackboard. The songs of "Love and Love" came out in the tape recorder, and once again caused the whole class. Emotional resonance. With the tide of applause, the two students stepped on the stage and the four hands held together tightly...

Through this class meeting, the students realized that they should be "tolerant" to each other. Only by uniting and uniting, the "big ship" of the class can successfully reach the other side of success. Moreover, it has enhanced the collective cohesiveness and formed a united and upward class style.

In order to educate and educate

We know that simply teaching students can not have a good effect. It is also difficult to make students have principled and in-depth moral emotions by simply using probation instead of reasoning. This is the reason why "the depth of knowledge is deep, the love is cut". Therefore, the class teacher should focus on improving students' moral cognition so that they know what to do and why they should do so. For example, in May of this year, the bloody incident that occurred in the US bombing of the Yugoslav Chinese Embassy caused a strong indignation among the Chinese people all over the world. I took this opportunity to let students watch TV, collect relevant news reports, stimulate their patriotic passion, and issued a strong voice of "Chinese people can't bully." At the same time, let them realize the truth that “being lagging behind” and motivating them to “read for the rise of China” to deny the atrocities of the United States with practical actions. In this way, there is no doubt that the students have a patriotic education of flesh and blood. In other words, the richer the cognition, the deeper the rationality, the deeper the emotion will be.

To educate the situation

Another characteristic of emotion is practicality. Practice is the foundation of emotional formation and transformation, and it is also the driving force for shaking emotional development. Therefore, emotional education should start from practice. In practice, the more the students practice, the deeper the students' emotions. In turn, the deeper the emotions, the more willing to practice and form conscious behavior.

In the activities of "Love and Dedication", my class students donated money and dedicated their love. Although there are not many moneys, it reflects the reverence of Chinese teenagers for those who have been born and died for the cause of Chinese people's liberation, and the noble sentiments of patriotism and love for the nation.

It is worth mentioning that in this activity, some students have always been criticized in front of the teacher. They are small tricks, but they also take the initiative to lend a helping hand. This aid is of course due to their admiration for the heroes. However, in the aid, they are not aware of it and get a happy one? They themselves are not aware of it, and at that moment, their souls are so precious. I seized the opportunity, talked about the meaning of patriotism, and talked about what is noble, so that the students can appreciate the joy of their own spirit from dedication. In this way, the whole educational process is filled with a harmonious, harmonious, inspiring and full of emotional atmosphere.

In short, when students not only learn to pay attention to the world around them, they are open-minded and helpful, but also learn to observe themselves, try to understand their inner world, and use spiritual power to make themselves better and more perfect. They really become a mature and mature person. One of the teachers' responsibilities is to seize the opportunity, to find the best acceptance point for students' influence on the outside education, to educate people, and finally to unify the knowledge, feelings and actions.

Summary of class moral education work

First, expand activities to enhance class cohesion

Just received this class, Xu is a large class, obviously feels that the cohesiveness of the class is not enough, the students are not united enough and not conscious, often have self-concerned phenomenon. In the face of this problem, I conducted a discussion event on how to enhance the cohesiveness of the class, so that they understand the truth that "things are artificial, focus on participation" and understand some inspirational stories. The activity stimulated students' sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for learning, and also enabled students to build self-confidence. This semester requires students to start from every little thing around them and form good behavior habits. Through regular encouragement and appreciation, students' motivation and self-confidence are stimulated, and the students' ideological consciousness has been greatly improved. Whether it is a flag-raising gathering or self-study, students are more disciplined and can consciously maintain the collective image of the class. In addition, I also combined with the students' hobbies and the assignment of the school, and carried out a number of class activities that students are interested in, such as: "each team to make cards", "classroom newspaper design" class pens and words competition, etc. It is through the ball and skipping competitions at the Games that the students really realize that "unity is power, persistence is victory, and only when they persist to the end can they achieve a real victory." From these activities, students' ability in all aspects has been exercised and Improvement, these collective activities have also become an important means for students to shape themselves and enhance class cohesion.

Second, focus on the regular management of the class

At the beginning of the school, I organized the students to study the school routines according to the bad situation of the class, and formulated the rules of the class according to the goal of the class. At the time of implementation, I mobilized everyone to inspect and supervise each other, establish a model of observance of discipline, and form a good class style that is proud of discipline and is ashamed of disciplinary violations. In the regular management of the class, it also attaches great importance to the establishment of class honor and disgrace, and attaches importance to the support and training of class cadres. By holding class cadres, the class cadres are encouraged to improve their own quality, and they are required to study hard, unite classmates, lead by example, encourage them to work boldly, strictly demand, and pay attention to working methods. Through the weekly class meeting, summarize the class situation, guide them to work methods, and help them improve their work ability. For other students, they often chat with students, communicate with students, and keep abreast of the students' thoughts, learning and living conditions, so that they can effectively educate students in a targeted manner and make the class work effective. In addition, it also strengthens communication with parents, and maintains contact with parents through telephone home visits and school newsletters, so that they can understand the recent performance of students in the first time, and strive to do a good job in education.

Third, implement self-management and highlight the ability to cultivate management

The regular management of the class needs to mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole class to form a synergy and form a self-management mechanism for students. Therefore, every student in our class has a management task to let them serve their classmates, exercise themselves, express themselves and improve themselves. All the work items in the class are contracted to the individual, the team leader inspects the system, Zhou Zhou sums up the appraisal, and gives the rewards to the well-placed individuals and groups to give priority to the location rewards Xiaoxiaohua plus smile. For the disciplinary management of the class, the group leader responsibility system is implemented, the squad leader inspects the system, and everyone is required to talk consciously and sum up the appraisal every day. For students who discredit the class, in addition to talking to them, other students will also criticize them, and do not allow things that will damage the class honor to happen again. In learning, let them find their own competitors to work hard and dare to compete. I also ask everyone to participate in the work of class cadres, and urge everyone to form a consensus: class cadres are serving everyone, and more importantly, class cadres can train and train their abilities to become useful talents in the future. Good foundation. After a period of hard work, many classroom teachers reflected that the classroom discipline of the class was much better. The situation of some active loves and calls during the class was also reduced. However, due to the incompatibility of individual students, although the self-management ability of the students in the class was different. Enhanced, but there is still room for improvement and change in discipline.

Fourth, with love as the link, pay attention to the emotional exchange between teachers and students

Do a good job of understanding students:

From the students' learning attitude, intelligence level and learning level, they can be divided into four categories:

1 Students with a good foundation and certain qualifications lack good study habits and enterprising spirits. These students are the so-called “special eugenics” in the future, which means that these students have the potential of special eugenics. They are Liu Yuyu and Sun Yinghao. Ma Mingxin, Liang Chenyuan and so on. These students must be strict, pressured, and determined.

2 The learning foundation is good, and there are good study habits and enterprising spirit, but the students with poor potential are Yao Ziqiang, Wang Yalong, Zhang Bowen, etc. For these students to focus on the cultivation of their abilities, these students are often more self-conscious, but there are Difficulty, so they are required to do more difficult problems and develop the habit of asking questions.

3 has certain potential, but the current academic performance is not very prominent, these students often lack good study habits and learning styles, and the learning attitude is not correct; they are: Hou Yufeng, Yang Caowang, Li Yunlong and so on. Such students should teach to learn the Fa and arrange more challenging topics. Focus on supervising, checking, exerting pressure, and completing learning tasks in limited time.

4 Another class of students is the so-called “study students” and “double bad students”. Among them, "learning students"

More encouragement, less criticism, more care, less irony, more supervision, more counseling, and never give up. “Double poor students” often contact with parents to seek parental education.

Without communication, there is no education, sentiment and emotion. In education, I treat strict students, I am strict, and often beat them to show their vigilance. For medium students, I appreciate and encourage them to learn and live with confidence. I will be in class. Try to create an atmosphere of equality and fraternity, let them experience the warmth of the collective and the friendship between the students, so that they can feel the value of their class.

Fifth, strengthen safety education and create a harmonious class

Safe work is no small matter, and safety work is more important than Mount Tai. Therefore, I insist on daily safety education and grasp every day. The weekly class will tell a safety case to enable students to master certain safety precautions and ensure their healthy growth. For the contradictions and disputes that occur between students, timely diversion and education, timely resolution, and targeted mental health education, so that the class is harmonious and united.

The work of the class teacher is heavy and messy. As the class teacher, I always remind myself that I need not only enthusiasm and love in my work, but also patience and sincerity. I must treat the problem with a good attitude and solve the problem with a healthy attitude. The children grow up healthily.

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