Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of the work of moral education in 2019

This semester, according to the beginning of the moral education work plan, taking the daily behavior of the national students as the starting point, based on the students' daily behavioral normative education, strengthen the students' ideological and moral, behavioral norms and etiquette routine education, adhere to the "emphasis" Focus on practical results, carry out moral education work, focus on campus culture construction, actively carry out various types of theme education activities, so that students learn to be human, learn to know, learn to live, learn to work, learn to exercise, learn aesthetics, and strive to cultivate behavior and daily etiquette. A new generation of good morals, mental health and innovative spirit. Mainly done the following work:

First, improve the moral education work methods and improve the effectiveness of moral education work

The school adheres to the work ideas led by moral education , actively studies the content of moral education work, proposes new ideas for moral education in schools in the new era, improves the methods of moral education in schools, and strives to improve the efficiency of moral education .

1. Strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and style

To do a good job in moral education in schools, it is inseparable from a team of moral education workers with rich experience and unique methods. Organizing teachers to study "Chinese Small Teachers' Professional Ethics", etc., so that teachers have a high professional ethics and a good teacher style. Love life, teach, work hard, be creative, and be willing to contribute. Comprehensively caring for and caring for students who are temporarily behind, to prevent corporal punishment and corporal punishment in disguise. Construct an equal and democratic teacher-student relationship.

2, do a good job in class management

Conduct class work meetings in a timely manner, discuss with the class teacher the method of school moral education , arrange monthly work priorities and theme education activities, and timely feedback and deal with problems found in the class. And constantly improve the duties of the class leader, work regulations, assessment, reward system, do a good job of the monthly inspection of class guidance work, strengthen the process management of class guidance work, and the performance of class guidance work as promotion, evaluation, grant allowance Important reference.

3. Build a social, family, and school synchronous education network

Moral education work is inseparable from the cooperation of society and family. For this reason, the school actively builds a network of community, family and school moral education . The "Second Small Weekly" publishes a bi-weekly issue to timely convey the work of the school center, various major activities, educational and teaching achievements, and guidance on tutoring work. To provide a platform for exchanges between students and parents, and strive to make tacit cooperation between parent education and school education.

4. Strengthen the management of the undergraduate students

Do a good job in the transformation of help and education for poor students. In this semester, each class can combine the actual situation of the class, do a good job of helping students with moral education, establish a help and education archives, and formulate specific measures to help teach, record the situation of helping and teaching, and strive to care for them with love, with patience Probabilize them and try to eliminate some of the problems in the bud. The Department of Moral Education has done a lot of work, focusing on the key issues of the students one-on-one, and queuing the children of the school's undergraduates and single-parent families, implementing pairs of teachers and measures, and enhancing the sense of responsibility for educational transformation.

Second, strengthen behavioral norms training, change the mental outlook of students

The code of conduct education for this semester continues to strengthen.

1. Strengthen behavioral norms to develop education, and carry out integrity to start activities from the side. Training and education on students' study habits, obeying discipline, civilized etiquette, and labor hygiene habits.

2. Strengthen the inspection, evaluation and quantitative measures of behavioral norms education.

During the semester, the inspection and evaluation measures of behavioral norms were further improved and implemented. Re-design the rating content and standards, and redesign a more reasonable and more standardized evaluation layout. The inspection and appraisal of hygiene, desks and chairs, eye exercises, bicycle emissions, class report evaluation, logo wearing, canteen meals, and disciplinary violations were put in place. For the health, desks and chairs, eye exercises, bicycle emissions, canteen meals to take a daily inspection, take a surprise inspection of the wearing situation, the class wall newspaper, class layout to take regular inspection.

3. Give full play to the role of Zhou Sheng, class cadres, and school 110. In the first semester, all departments are responsible and responsible for checking fairness and justice.

4. Continue to inspect and evaluate the behavioral norms of each class, and evaluate the mobile red flag and the monthly demonstration class of behavioral norms every week to play a role in commending a batch and inspiring a batch. The total score of the evaluation is directly linked to the quantitative assessment at the end of the class, which effectively mobilizes the work of the class.

5. The school newly introduced the family etiquette and school etiquette routines of the school, and refined the evaluation of the two etiquette routines: the family etiquette is the responsibility of the parents of the students; the school etiquette is the responsibility of the class teacher. The results of the two evaluations are combined with the students' ideological and moral test scores, and finally the students' ideological and moral achievements are obtained.

Through the education of students' behavioral norms, let them develop civilized etiquette, labor hygiene habits and so on. Through the examination and evaluation of behavioral normative education, class competition is formed, and the code of conduct of the whole school is promoted.

Fourth, strengthen the legal education work

The school designated October as the legal publicity month, and hired Liu Zhongju, the comrade of the city's detention center, as the vice president of the legal system of our school. In mid-October, the school also organized all the students of the sixth grade to visit the city detention center, and watched the performances of the prisoners and received legal education. On October 30th, the school also invited the Vice-President of the Legal System of our school to do a legal report meeting for all the students of the second site to make a good boy who knows how to understand the law and obey the law. Received a good educational effect.

V. Other work

1. Parenting education work

During the semester, the parents' meeting of the whole school was successfully held, and the attendance rate of parents reached 90%. At the parent meeting, the school leaders described the method of parenting education with specific examples; each class leader carefully prepared and carefully arranged the classroom, and the theme was prominent. The convening of the parent conference has brought the family and school closer and communicated the feelings of parents and teachers.

2. Health and environmental education

During the semester, the campus of the second site was landscaping, and students were more fond of our school. Few students trampled on the lawn, and there were no more branches or branches. Students are more cherished for the flowers and birds on the campus, able to sort the garbage and throw it at the designated garbage spot. At the same time, the students can make good use of the used battery recycling bins on campus, and collect the used and used batteries in the home into the recycling bin. On the whole, as part of a national green school, students know what they should do for this honor.

3. Traffic safety education

The students can abide by the traffic rules very well this semester, and the school can naturally enter the campus in a row. After school, each class can be responsible for the organized departure from the group leader. Students can cross the crosswalk as directed by the traffic lights and do not cross the road. After the efforts of the teachers and students of the whole school, our school was once again awarded the honorary title of “Liaoning Provincial Traffic Safety School”.

In short, the school moral education work has done a lot of work this semester, and has achieved a lot of results, but there is still a big gap with the requirements of the higher level, and some focus issues need to be resolved.

1. The daily behavior of students is not satisfactory. For example, if you go up and down stairs during the class, walk in the corridor, do not follow the requirements, some students have poor hygiene habits, discard the dirt at will, and a few students have bad habits of eating snacks on campus. This is also the main reason for the poor health of the school. one.

2. The phenomenon of students with individual problems in the school has also occurred from time to time, causing direct damage to the reputation of the school.

3. There is an imbalance between the classes, the class style and the style of study are uneven, and some classes still have some problems in management.

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