Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of township organization work

Under the careful guidance of the town party committee, the government's correct leadership and the superior authorities, and under the strong support and cooperation of grassroots party organizations at all levels, the organization office has always adhered to the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's xx session. Guide, we are very close to the internal and external integration, the next heart, the continuous efforts, the full performance of the work, all-round development, and unity, and thoroughly implement and implement the scientific development concept. Looking back at the organization and work in the past year, under the guidance and instructions of the 'Shipongshan, New Meteorology' and the new Chuanshan spirit of the Chuanshan Committee, the establishment of "the Communist Party members to demonstrate townships and speed up the construction of a new socialist countryside" was carried out in Hesha Town. Under the spirit of the spirit, we closely focus on the development of economic development in the river sand, highlight the fighting fortress and cohesiveness of the party organization and carry out the overall work of organizing, and persist in taking the party branch as the core and give full play to the grassroots party organization. The core role, serving the overall situation, broadening the field, actively exploring new ways for modern party members and cadres in modern distance education, and effectively implementing the strategic project of “allowing cadres to be educated and the people will benefit for a long time” is fully demonstrated in real life and continuously strengthens the Communist Party members. Demonstrate the effectiveness of townships and towns, speed up the pace of building a new socialist countryside, actively cooperate with the work of "creating excellence and striving for the first place" and "building a party's style and building a clean government", effectively promoting the comprehensive construction of the town's organization, and making the Hesha economy healthy and secure. Promote the development of a new situation, do a certain job, and now summarize the work done by the organization office. Summarized as follows.

I. Organization, party building work

I. Insist on the interaction and interaction between study and work, strive to improve the role of the battle bastion and cohesiveness of the grassroots party branch, and train the people to serve the people. The internal work of "building the party for the public and governing for the people" is the theme of the long-term activities of the organization. Since the beginning of the year, the town organization office has always insisted on studying the party's basic theory and the party's line, principles, and policies as the driving force, deeply understanding the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XXth session, constantly improving the comprehensive quality of various tasks, and doing a good job in internal and external work. Do a solid, so that the party organization construction work will always move toward the new rural development path. Regularly or irregularly, the grassroots level will guide and cooperate with the grassroots party organizations to carry out in-depth study activities, and unify the grassroots party organization's ideological understanding and actions to the party committee, the government's In the work of economic construction and development, we are determined to make progress. Through learning and deepening, we not only strengthen the party members' leading cadres to understand and understand the policy level and work ability needed to adapt to the new situation, but also change the service consciousness and work concept of the party branch leadership collective and core role. . First, the combination of the theme of "building the party for the public and governing for the people" is carried out, and the enthusiasm and initiative of the party branch are played. The second is to strengthen the party organization in the broad masses of the people. Coordinate with the organization in economic development, vigorously promote the 'members of the Communist Party to demonstrate townships' creation activities, accelerate the construction of new rural areas in Hesha--cutting; the third is to strengthen the close relationship between the party and the masses, and play the role of the organization department The theme of "People-friendly, Love the People, and the People" is carried out in the activities of "Creating Excellence and Striving for the First Time" and "Building a Clean and Honest Government", and fundamentally solving the hotspots, difficulties, and focus of the people's concerns. We will carry out internal strength and external image, and form a work style of “clean, efficient, truth-seeking, and pragmatic”, strengthen the new style of unity, hard work, and “being a good first”. Fifth, strengthen the “three lessons and one meeting” of the party branch. To make "three sessions and one lesson" as an effective carrier for educating party members and cadres, to form a better party branch and party members; to contact and help the new rural development between party members and poor households Set up road link function, enhance the combat effectiveness of party organizations.

2. Strengthening the education and management of party members and continuously strengthening the ranks of party members.

1. According to the new requirements of party members management in the new era, improve and transform the education management of party members. Our town has established fixed-point party members' activities venues for 570 party members in 18 villages, and five of them have reached the modern venues. The standard type of place makes some party members insist on learning for a long time; the branch learns and records the book, and the activities are a bit of a child. The content of the distance education activities is always new, objectively solving the branch meeting, and the party members’ activities are inconsistent. Bring a fixed home to 570 party members in the countryside. At present, there are 165 mobile party members in the town, 70% of mobile party members hold mobile party members' activity cards, and 30% of mobile party members do not hold mobile party members' activity cards. We will all get in touch with various party branches to strengthen the flow of outflows. Party members' education and management, keep abreast of their trends and basic conditions, and have established a mobile party member management station in Chengdu, which provides convenience for the branches to contact mobile party members. Each village has also established a management party for mobile members. It has effectively strengthened the work of party members and branches.

2. Do a good job in the development of party members in combination with training and education. In cultivating the work of party activists and probationary party members, they must always follow the specific requirements and basic principles of the Party Constitution of the Communist Party of China. First, in accordance with the principle of “mature to develop one, and to adhere to standards, focus on quality, improve structure, and develop carefully”, we will continue to strengthen research activities to ensure that they meet the conditions of party members and have excellent knowledge and work ability among the people. Young people, group members, migrant workers, veterans, and wealthy experts are listed as active members of the party to conduct inspections, education and training, forming a new pattern of party members' development work. Second, in early June, 35 new towns were listed. The excellent members of the party’s active members have conducted investigations, training and education, which will lay a solid foundation for the introduction of new blood for party members’ development work in the coming year. At the same time, they will perform outstandingly in party members and the public, and their work performance is excellent and absorbed. The Communist Party of China has a total of 12 probationary members; among the 25 probationary members who should be converted to official party members on schedule [of which: 2 from the troops to the probationary party members, 2 colleges and universities to the probationary party members; 3 from the probationary party members), except 1 The name was not transferred to the official party members of the Chinese Communist Party. Among them, 24 budgetary party members were transferred to the official party members of the Chinese Communist Party on schedule; the third was to cut the new development and turn to the party members. In strict accordance with the basic principles and requirements of the "Party Constitution" and the procedures for joining the party, the branch has been discussed to discuss the 'ticket system' and the 'publicity system' inside and outside the party; the fourth is that the probationary party member who is out of work cannot participate in the party member discussion meeting in time. It was appropriately extended to the preparatory period. At the same time, the branch did not pay enough attention to the issue of correcting the problem and gave it to the critical education. The fifth is to strictly approve the procedures, submit it to the party committee for approval, ensure the quality of party members, and strictly control the party members.

3. Strengthen the management and education of party members and continuously improve the quality of party members. First, strengthen the propaganda of party fees, increase the initiative and enthusiasm of party members to pay party fees; second, earnestly collect party fees according to the provisions and requirements of the [party constitution]. At present, the collection of party fees in our town has accounted for about 80% of the annual party fees. Third, compared with last year, the increase of 20%; third, the party members of each branch actively paying party fees gradually increased by more than 90%. By the end of November before the deadline, the town had paid 60% of the party fees, an increase of 30% over the same period last year. The fourth is to increase the measures for collecting party fees, strengthen work responsibilities, strive to improve the organization and ideology of all Communist Party members, and gradually complete the collection of party fees. 4. There are 165 members of the mobile party, of which 145 are members of the mobile party membership activity certificate, both of which are distributed inside and outside the province. Some of them are long-term and long-term, and some maintain contact with the village party branch. It is a difficult and difficult point in the management of party members. In accordance with the actual situation and the situation of the town, we have formulated some measures for the implementation of education and management in accordance with the management responsibilities of party members, and requested all party branches to be a difficult family for mobile party members.

Give help to the best of its ability, let the mobile party members feel the warmth of organizing the big family. After returning to the village at the end of the year, they will talk about their thoughts, work, publicize local preferential policies, encourage party members with economic strength, and return to their hometowns.

Third, "two new" and "non-public" organization party building work

In recent years, according to the specific requirements of party building work, new economic entities and industrial and commercial entities must establish new party organizations in accordance with the needs of socialist development in the new era. At present, the new economic organizations targeting our town are small and small. In the case of scattered conditions, we have adopted local conditions and adopted the principle of being able to build and construct the entities and specific situations scattered in the new economic organizations. If the number of people that cannot be established is small, the principle of participation and merger will be implemented. A party member can live a normal organizational life and let party members feel the warmth of the party and participate in the activities of the party.

Fourth, earnestly do a good job in democratic appraisal of party members,

1. Strengthen publicity and mobilization, continuously improve ideological understanding, and enhance organizational concepts and organizational discipline.

2. In accordance with the actual situation in the locality, formulate democratically evaluate the work measures of party members and implement work responsibilities.

3. Carefully organize, strengthen leadership, and conscientiously organize and carry out the annual democratic evaluation of party members.

4. Establish a good atmosphere for democratic appraisal, commend and reward outstanding party members who have been selected, and provide assistance and education to the unqualified party members, and implement a one-vote system that year.

5. To do a good job in the annual report of party members and the transfer of organizational relations.

It is a very detailed matter. There are 25 grassroots party organizations in the town, that is, the transfer of party members 13 grassroots organizations, broadening the channels for selecting and employing people, strengthening the grassroots organization, and launching the selection of village reserve cadres in the whole district. In the appointment work, Hesha was highly valued by the town party committee. After nearly one month of work, the town selected a total of 56 reserve cadres in the reserve village, and implemented personnel file management to solve the village-level cadres in the second half of the year. The issue of “following the lack of people” provides a solid foundation for the development of a long-term mechanism for the management of village cadres with both reserve and cadres, so that the village-level reserve cadres have achieved comprehensive and healthy development, and the village grassroots organizations are always full of time. Vitality and vitality.

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