Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the construction of community and rural police services in the city in 2019

At present, there are 2,312 community police rooms in the province, with 4,910 community police officers; 4,054 rural police offices, 4,400 resident policemen; 2,865 full-time community patrols and more than 23,000 team members.
The city has incorporated the construction of community and rural policing into the overall strategic deployment of the “three basics and one” of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and has made a strong push as the top priority. This year, the municipal government has included community rural police services into one of the “ten practical things” in XX. The city allocated funds to allocate 22,000 yuan for special construction funds for each police station at the county level, and 35,000 yuan for each township for supporting construction. Each police room is equipped with computers, locomotives, and work packages.
At the same time, the city has also fully utilized the comprehensive evaluation of public security organs and the “three basics and one chemical” inspection and assessment methods to strongly promote the construction of community rural police services. Party committees at all levels of public security organs have done a good job in community and rural police work as an improvement in public security work. The major breakthrough in the image of the public security team has enhanced the enthusiasm and initiative of grasping community and rural policing. Starting from May this year, the Municipal Public Security Department insisted on ranking the progress of community and rural police construction in the city every month, directly reporting it to the municipal and state public security bureaus, copying to the party committees and governments at all levels, and vigorously promoting implementation. In response to the problems reflected in the monthly notifications, the implementation of the practice of leading the film and squadrons was carried out, focusing on the supervision of in-depth backward areas, and the community and rural policing work was included in the public security business work evaluation, which promoted the development of community and rural policing work in the province.
Based on actual measures and breakthroughs, on the basis of in-depth investigations, the public security organs at all levels in the city have taken a series of measures based on the successful experience of other provinces and cities and combined with the actual situation of the province, and gradually broke through the lack of community and rural police work. People do not work, no position, how to do it, fail to test, can not stay, "five major problems.
Since last year, in accordance with the provincial public security department's institutional reform plan, some institutions have been cleaned up, and the streamlined police force has been decentralized to the police station to enrich the community police and the villagers' police. At the same time, the new police officers are required to go to the police station and the community and the countryside. Basic work at the grassroots level has better solved the problem of the source of police power. At the same time, the Public Security Department formulated and promulgated the "Regulations for the Construction of Community and Rural Police Affairs in the Province", and comprehensively standardized community and rural police construction work from seven aspects: the construction of the police office, the work system, and the duties and tasks of the police. Clear requirements were put forward for the construction of police services and how the police carried out community and rural police work.
During the work, the community and rural police construction will be strictly assessed and the rewards and punishments will be strictly stipulated. The community and resident police work will be assessed by the public, the rate of familiarity, the rate of information provision, the rate of crimes in the jurisdiction, the satisfaction rate of the people, and the group defense. As the main content of the assessment, the organization focuses on the effectiveness of the community and the work of the villagers. Local public security organs have adopted a typical approach and a point-to-face approach to comprehensively promote the standardization, regularization and scientific development of community and rural policing in the province.
In the past, the construction of community and rural police services in Kungfu City has changed from "hard" and "soft" to "hardware" and "software" in the past, and efforts have been made to improve the quality of community police. Work hard to improve the effectiveness of work and ensure that the direction of community and rural policing is correct.
The public security organs at all levels of the city paid close attention to the construction of the "three-oriented" and promoted the reform of the police and service mechanism of the police station. By establishing grassroots treatment superior to the agency's interest-oriented mechanism, the police are willing to work in the police station and police office; through the implementation of the civilian staff recruitment system, the civilian police in non-law enforcement positions are replaced by the police office; and the party committee and government support are added to increase the preparation. And streamline the internal organization, so that there is no grassroots first-line work experience and new recruiting police force to sink the police room, realize the scientific allocation of police force; in accordance with the concept of "police and police to go", further adjust the police force and service methods, and realized The service mode was actualized; the construction of the comprehensive information system of the police station was accelerated, the level of information application of the police was improved, and the informationization of police work was realized.

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