Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the comprehensive management of cracking down on smuggling in towns and towns in 2019

In XX, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and county people's government, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and county people's government, we adhered to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", adhered to scientific development, and thoroughly studied the spirit of the Party's xx third and fourth plenary sessions. Combining with the reality of the township, we have carried out extensive anti-smuggling publicity and education around the goal of building a harmonious society, which has effectively promoted the sustained, rapid, healthy and coordinated development of our economy and society. According to statistics, over the past year or so, we have checked the border checkpoints of our township, inspected passing vehicles and various types of stores, and dispatched 35 people and 9 vehicles. The vehicle entered 8 vehicles, the personnel entered 10 people, and 8 people entered and exited, with a total of 18 people. At present, the border town of our township is stable, the market is in good order, and there are no smuggling cases. The main practice in my hometown is:
First, strengthen organizational leadership, and build a strong anti-smuggling team. In each special action to carry out private smuggling, we will carefully convene the smuggling members to hold meetings, conscientiously deploy, and implement them. As a coordinating body of the township people's government, the township private office fully exerted its functions of organization, coordination, supervision and inspection, actively supervised and inspected the functional departments and daily smuggling activities, mobilized the initiative of work, and effectively promoted Smuggling work. Overcome the idea of ​​"smuggling and counterfeiting" and passive laziness, and strengthen ideological education. Strict discipline, enhance the law-abiding administrative awareness and integrity awareness of law enforcement personnel, and achieve civilized law enforcement and strict law enforcement.
2. Extensively publicize the relevant laws, regulations and knowledge on anti-smuggling and make full use of publicity tools such as radio, publicity columns and propaganda slogans, vigorously publicize the common sense of laws and regulations against smuggling, further increase the intensity of anti-smuggling publicity and education, and educate and guide the public. Consciously resist and report smuggling and smuggling, and raise the awareness of anti-smuggling.
Third, careful deployment, severely crack down on smuggling and smuggling in accordance with the work ideas of "strengthening publicity and education, strengthening market supervision, and strengthening the fight against private goods transportation", implementing responsibilities, strengthening measures, and cracking down on various smuggling and smuggling activities, focusing on effectiveness in action To prevent the flow from passing through the field. We will conscientiously implement the responsibility system for each smuggling member unit, achieve effective supervision of the market, strengthen investigation and handling of transit vehicles, and pay attention to the collection of anti-smuggling intelligence information to improve the efficiency of smuggling.
Fourth, strengthen departmental cooperation, form a strong work force to effectively strengthen the communication between the local self-sufficiency office and various units, achieve information sharing, form a joint effort, promote the smuggling work in depth, and insist on holding a quarterly fight A joint meeting of private member units to report on the smuggling work in the first quarter. At the same time, establish and improve the working mechanism of combining smuggling and anti-counterfeiting, so as to promote the work of smuggling and counterfeiting.
V. Intensively carrying out special actions and achieving good results In the past year, our hometown smuggling office has conscientiously implemented the unified deployment of county smuggling offices and launched joint action against smuggling in due course. During the May 1st and Mid-Autumn National Day, two joint anti-smuggling joint operations were organized. The participants were 12 times. In each action, they were able to combine the actual situation of our township, formulate a plan, carefully deploy, and received good results.
VI. Difficulties and Shortcomings Although there have been certain achievements in the comprehensive anti-smuggling work in our country, there are still some difficulties and shortcomings. The main ones are as follows: First, the human, financial and material resources in our town are limited, which affects the related guarantee work. Second, some cadres and workers have not been deeply aware of this work. Third, the public's anti-smuggling awareness is still very weak. These factors have restricted the development of work to a certain extent.
VII. Work plan for XX I. Continue to innovate the working mechanism to ensure the orderly development of the smuggling work in our hometown.
Second, strengthen information communication, strengthen departmental collaboration, and promote the smuggling work to a new level.
Third, further play the role of border guards and increase the intensity of cracking down on smuggling.
Fourth, strengthen research, timely discover new trends in smuggling, and do early research, early deployment, and early resolution.

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