Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of the promotion stage of rural small and medium-sized comprehensive practice activities

With the continuous deepening of the research of the subject, the main goal of this stage is to verify, modify and refine the target series and content and activity mode series initially obtained during the research phase of the project, so that it tends to be serialized and more orderly. Systematic, and display and promote research results. In the research work, all the teachers of the research group carefully summarized the materials, carefully organized the practice verification, combined the local education resources with the classroom teaching, and achieved great results, forming the scientific research results at this stage. In the research we mainly do the following work.
I. Strengthening theoretical study and improving the level of mastery of educational theory is the hallmark of teachers' basic quality. The mastery of educational theory will directly affect the success or failure of teachers' teaching and research.
1. Actively support teachers in theoretical study. At the beginning of this stage, our research group organized teachers to study related research theories: "Methods of Teaching and Research", "Representation of Teaching and Research Achievements", "Evaluation of Teaching and Research Achievements". By learning how each teacher recognizes the method of collecting, arranging, and analyzing the data by theoretical learning, it provides a guarantee for the formation of scientific research results.
2. Ask the experts to guide the efficiency of teaching and research. In this stage of research work, our research team deeply feels that it is not enough to have theoretical support. It must also have systematic guidance from experts, so as to ensure that teaching and research are less detoured. At the same time, it can also make scientific research produce results. Therefore, the school invited experts from the Provincial Education Association and the Provincial Education Publishing House to give lectures to the whole school for systematic research. During the course of the lecture, the expert explained the system vividly and the teacher listened carefully. After training, the teachers deeply felt the timely training. It has pointed out the direction for future teaching and research, and pointed out the method for the next research.
3. Get out of school and learn from others' experiences. The teachers of the research group have a deep understanding of teaching and research after learning, and they have mastered the methods of teaching and research. However, there is still no complete perceptual understanding of teaching and research, and the method of teaching and research has been mastered. However, there is still no complete perceptual knowledge of teaching and research. In this case, the school organizes teachers to go out to learn, learn from others' experiences, and learn how others study. Through these series of activities, the research level of the teachers of this subject has been greatly improved, providing theoretical and practical experience for the next step of research.
Second, the organization of information, the formation of scientific research results Teaching and research results is a summary of teaching and research at a stage, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the team of teachers, condensed the efforts of all teachers, but also affirmation of scientific research at this stage.
1. Prepare catalogue certification. After the previous stage of investigation and research, the local curriculum resources were dig deeper, but these studies are scattered and unsystematic. Only by collecting and sorting these materials in a certain chapter can a systematic school-based textbook be formed. After discussion and research, we have drawn up "beautiful campus, beautiful landscape, touching legend, tragic history, intelligent people, simple folk style, golden years, brilliant achievements, talented students, patriotic enthusiasm, etc." Ten chapters were compiled.
2. Organize teacher experts to review the manuscript. After the school-based textbooks are written, how much influence he has on students, how much influence he has on students, and the need to collect opinions from various sources. At this stage, our research team invited the leaders of the city's teaching and research section to evaluate the school-based textbooks. They agreed that this school-based textbook combines the reality of the hometown with the students' existing life experiences and covers a wide range of fields. The moral quality of the hometown. In the process of writing, it can be combined with the subject curriculum, and it can penetrate into the classroom teaching to achieve the purpose of cultivating people and cultivating talents for the hometown.
Third, practice argumentation, perfecting scientific research results practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Only by using our research results for practice, in practice testing his influence on students and reflecting her value.
Test results in teaching. After a period of research, research results have been formed. Whether this result has a positive effect on students' learning and morality formation, we have verified it in classroom teaching. Introduce school-based textbooks into the classroom and introduce them into the teaching of each subject. Let students walk into nature and enter the society, participate in activities, and learn knowledge in activities. In the teaching of thinking, make full use of school-based textbooks to educate students about their hometown, study hard, and cultivate strong will. In the art education, let the students walk into nature, have their own heart and soul experience, and use their own hands to describe. After learning the moving article, a beautiful picture, the new spirit fully reflects his value.
With the joint efforts of the teachers of all the research groups, the research results at this stage are remarkable. It laid the foundation for the completion of the entire project.

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