Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Youth League Committee

Summary of the work of the secretary of the university branch

Time flies, all the study and work in this semester is about to come to an end, and the work of our group branch has also entered the summary stage. I have carefully thought about what I have learned since I was a member of the Communist Youth League. I have also experienced many philosophies in my life, and I am quite emotional. Not only the skills and methods of work, but also many ways to live, and sincerely say thank you to the teachers and classmates who care and support me. In this semester, there are achievements and shortcomings. But when the whole class is like a family, I feel that it is my biggest gain.

It was a semester of the Communist Youth League work and study, accompanied me into my college life, and accompanied me to a new height of life.

After intense study and work, the work of the Youth League branch of this semester finally reached the conclusion stage. This semester, our group's planning activities have been carried out smoothly and successfully. Not only do the members of the branch feel the collective glory and the power of unity, let everyone feel proud and happy in such an active and positive atmosphere. The following is a summary of our group branch work in accordance with our branch plan and the actual group branch activities:

In terms of learning, the branch committee of the class committee formed a “one-on-one” study group. It has driven a lot of students who have difficulties in learning, and has also strengthened the basic knowledge of the outstanding students. Everyone helped each other to make progress together and achieved a harmonious, stable and rapid development of the class.

In terms of cultural activities, the Youth League Branch held a total of 6 missions in this semester, and was well received by the School Organization Department and the Organization Department. This is inseparable from the active cooperation of the students. The life of the group organization not only improved the ideological and moral cultivation of the students, enriched the after-school life, but also became the bond for everyone to understand each other. At the same time, my class also regularly broadcasts some English original sound movies for everyone, which not only improves the students' oral English and listening but also cultivates sentiment.

In terms of sports activities, the League Branch of the semester organized 7 and 8 class basketball games and 8 teams of basketball 3 players challenge. During the event, the students performed positively and gave full play to the spirit of the second game of friendship, adding a beautiful stroke to the extracurricular life of my class. Moreover, in the tug-of-war competition of the Shigong Institute in this semester, the athletes of my class all the way through the customs, and achieved a second-place good result under the strong sense of class honor and responsibility. It fully demonstrates that unity is power.

In terms of work, we have held three meetings of the Youth League Committee this semester to actively summarize and correct the problems in the work.

And as Christmas is approaching, we have also carefully planned and organized an interesting Apple event, so that everyone can feel the festive atmosphere and care from classmates and the collective. Spend a quiet and meaningful peace, peaceful night.

I think the most worth mentioning is that our group branch gave each birthday a birthday. On the day of the classmate's birthday, he will receive the small gifts from the life committee and the blessings of the students. The gift is small but it is a common heart of all of us. I think this is a big feature of our class. Things are small, but they are invisibly close to each other's distance, we will certainly carry forward.

During the past six months, various group activities have improved the friendship between the students, and mutual understanding and understanding among the students has made the class work more smoothly. Class networking, basketball games, movie gatherings, etc., are vivid and unforgettable.

As a group secretary in the class, I seriously felt the testimony of each classmate and found that there are still many things that have not been done yet. Students from different growing environments have many ideas that are not superficial, people with many different personalities, and others who are as enthusiastic but ashamed to show up as other students. As a group secretary in the class, I think I have an obligation to care for the more spiritual needs of my classmates. This is also a shortcoming that I have found in my past work, so I will pour in this aspect in my future work and life. More power.

"The honor of a class is to rely on the joint efforts of all members," but I also know that it is also crucial to do a good deed of good deeds; "a collective without leadership is scattered", too, a good one. The decision-making will enhance the collective cohesion, so that the class has more creativity! This was summed up through half a year of work.

I hope to work hard to improve next year, in the new year, and in the new semester. I hope that I can do my job and work with other class committees to bring our class to a more brilliant height.

In the next semester, we will have more important study tasks and better school activities, but we must realize that when a class cadre is not only to lead the students to do these activities, we are students, learning is always the most important. of. A class that does not have outstanding academic performance is not recognized, so in terms of learning, the class committee should take the lead to lead the students into the study.

Half a year of college life, half a year of work and study makes me really realize the comprehensive quality that a college student should have. I also hope that during my tenure, I can fully realize my potential and improve my overall quality. I can still maintain it in my future work. Enough enthusiasm for better results.

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