Work Summary > Kindergarten Work Summary

Summary of the work of kindergarten moral education in 2019

** County kindergartens have always implemented the party's education policy. According to the requirements of kindergarten moral education and the school's moral education work plan, we have established the idea of ​​"governing the garden with morality and the garden of law", with patriotism and team spirit as the main line to train the children's society. Cooperation, learning to survive, learning to be a human goal, expanding moral education activities, cultivating good moral character of children, becoming a civilized and disciplined child, and comprehensively improving teachers' ideological quality and moral cultivation.
First, strengthen theoretical study and create a good education atmosphere
1. Strengthening the leaders of the theoretical study park and the members of the leading group of moral education work often take you to learn about the archives of the moral education work, the deeds of advanced figures, watch the record of anti-corruption warnings, and clarify the important tasks of moral education in the new situation.
2. Emphasizing the moral education environment, paying attention to the cultural construction of the park, giving full play to the role of the publicity column, and publicizing the moral education activities in a timely manner. Focusing on the creation of the target content of provincial civilized units, the education of civilization is infiltrated into the daily activities of young children. Teachers of all classes were asked to carry out a series of activities with the theme of “competing as a civilized small citizen”. At the same time, they increased investment, transformed the garden environment, planted hundreds of potted flowers, built a children’s stage, and installed three large toys to make the kindergarten environment It is characterized by beautification, lighting, childification and interest.
3. Develop moral education every week. Use the lifting flag time of each week to educate children on moral education. Focus on the characteristics of the seasons and festivals, and carry out nationalism and patriotism education so that children can understand the shallow moral education and increase the knowledge of children.
Second, the implementation of hierarchical management, tiered responsibility
The kindergarten moral education work has formed the management network of the director's office, class and teachers, further clarifying the duties of the class teacher and the teacher of the day, and including the teacher's morality, work, responsibility, attitude and style as the year-end evaluation rules. In order to achieve the effect of supervision and improvement.
Third, the integration of "three students" education into the five major areas of kindergartens began in March this year, our park in the large, medium and small classes comprehensively opened the "three students" education curriculum, taught by the class monitors. Through the training of two teaching materials and teaching methods, teachers can grasp the purpose and significance of the "three-life" education, and realize that only the children can enjoy the "three-life" education through activities such as visiting, outing, experiencing, explaining and exploring. It is truly integrated into every field and has established a model of kindergarten , family and social cooperation. Each class set up a publicity column, drawn a teaching request form, an evaluation system, and carried out earthquake prevention and fire prevention drills. Through the development of "three-life" education, children's good morality and behavior habits have been cultivated. They have love, gratitude, responsibility and justice. Teachers also understand that "three-life" education is to make people truly become human beings. Education must focus on the growth and success of young children.
Fourth, the theme activities of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the motherland On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, our park launched a series of patriotic education theme activities.
1. Transfer 16 teachers into the 100-member choir of the education system and participate in the singing contest of the motherland sponsored by the county.
2. In October, each class carried out the theme activities such as singing patriotic songs and telling stories of heroes, so that children can reverence heroes and love the feelings of the motherland.
3. On November 9th, the faculty and staff will hold a speech contest with the theme of the motherland, and establish a sense of pride, honor and responsibility for the motherland.
In the past year, with the joint efforts of all faculty and staff, with the support of parents, the moral education work of our park has made new breakthroughs, but there are also some shortcomings. For example, the moral education system is still not perfect, and the moral education system needs to be more refined. Wait.
Goals for moral education in the next school year
1. Continue to strengthen learning and clarify the importance and effectiveness of moral education
2. Implement and improve various moral education systems
3. Conducting the selection of teachers and morals
4. Conducting a patriotic poetry reading competition
5, each class to carry out the civility and courtesy star selection activities
6. Inviting the vice president of the legal system to hold a lecture on the legal system

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