Work Summary > Kindergarten Work Summary

Summary of the personal semester work of preschool teachers in 2019

In the busy schedule, our semester is coming to an end. Looking back on my work during this semester, I am really happy and worried. The career of preschool teachers is trivial and small, but I love my profession. In my work, I am responsible for everything. I will summarize the work of this semester as follows:

I. Political and ideological aspects

I love the motherland, love the profession of teachers, constrain my behavior with socialist ethics, and strive to cultivate noble personality and moral sentiments. Seriously do love children, work hard, don't be late, don't leave early, and establish a good image of teachers.
Enthusiastic about the activities of the kindergarten organization and participation. The two teachers in the same class work together to do a good job in class work and have a good relationship with colleagues.

Second, education and teaching

In teaching, I know that to improve the quality of teaching, the key is to take good classes. In order to take a good class, I prepare every class. A series of thematic activities were carried out. Through various activities to understand the quality of children's original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, difficulties in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate measures. Pay attention to all young children, pay attention to individual education, keep it relatively stable, and at the same time stimulate children's emotions, make children have a happy mood and create a good classroom atmosphere. Actively participate in open classes and various competitions. Look at books that are helpful to the business, and constantly expand the knowledge to inject new vitality into the teaching content. In the education and teaching activities, create good opportunities and conditions for young children and provide sufficient operational materials. According to the age characteristics of the children in the class, the various sensory perceptions are fully mobilized to recognize and grasp the characteristics and attributes of the objects in the process of participating in the activities. In the day-to-day activities, pay attention to teaching children to have shallow, simple life knowledge and experience, and to develop the ability of children to solve problems independently. Carefully fill out the weekly and monthly plans and various forms, and carefully record the cases of special children, so that there are analysis, goals, records, and feedback. According to the objectives of the activities, content and requirements, organize all aspects of education and teaching activities, ensure the daily game activities and outdoor activities of children, provide children's activity materials, and better cultivate the children's comprehensive development ability.

Third, safety work and parental work

Safety work is one of the most important tasks. It is the responsibility and responsibility of every teacher to protect the safety of every child. In order to reassure parents and let them live and grow in a safe environment, I have taught children. Some safety knowledge strengthens children's safety awareness and self-care ability. Do not swallow foreign bodies, do not play with fire, water, electricity, do not jump from high places, do not climb high places, do not eat things of strangers, do not go with strangers, when there is danger, will cry out for help. Strict morning inspection system will not allow children to bring unsafe items into the park. Manage the medicines of sick children and prevent them from taking the wrong medicine. Strengthen the management of all aspects of the day's activities, strengthen the management of children's daily life, and make people feel attentive to prevent accidents. Do a good job in the shifting work and fill in the contents of the shift carefully.

I made full use of the morning and school time to communicate with parents to let parents know about their children's presence in the park. Use home contact books, telephone, home visits and other forms of access. This has made me more aware of the situation of young children at home, so that I can carry out the teaching of young children in a targeted manner, and also promote my mutual understanding with parents and make the relationship closer. Let parents participate in my work. Do a good job in home visits for most young children, keep abreast of the development of young children, develop appropriate educational measures, and record home visits. Better achieve home synchronization education. He communicated closely with parents to publicize kindergarten maintenance tasks and scientific parenting knowledge, improve parents and society's understanding and understanding of early childhood education, and cooperate with kindergartens to do well in education.

In short, this semester is very busy and very tired, and the harvest is certainly not small. I enjoyed the joy of harvesting at work and found some problems in my work. In the future work, I should constantly learn new knowledge, strive to improve my mind and business, and boldly innovate teaching methods. Strengthen moral education for young children, strengthen routine education for children, and pay attention to the cultivation of young children's own abilities. And close contact with parents to achieve home synchronization. Work together with the class teacher to determine the theme of educational activities. Choose the form and method of activity that matches the age of the child. In accordance with the teaching activities, students are taught according to their aptitude, and individual education is given to individual children. And strive to improve their own ideas and business vocabulary, and actively participate in various competition learning activities, and strive to do better work in the future!

10 years in January

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