Good word

Excerpt notes

"The King's Speech" reading notes

At the beginning of the "King's Speech" reading notes, this seems to be an inspirational story. Of course, there is no problem in this way. A royal family with a language barrier tries to overcome himself under the urgency of the royal family and the state. The flaws, positive changes, and finally escaped the shadow of defects, and finally let the public opinion of doubts, worries, sarcasm, etc. vanish, and eventually become a great king.

The other part of the inspirational meaning of this story is also sublimated by the other person's actions: George's brother Edward, this is a handsome royal duke, the heir to the throne, but because of life and romantic personality, gradually Give up the chase of the throne, and also explain from one side, if talent is not used for the day after tomorrow, it will gradually be wiped out and abandoned; and for George, a flaw that is quite hinder to the successor to the throne, If you have the heart to change and keep trying, you will eventually get corrected and gain real confidence.

You can also think of this as a story about the great king and the people, the doctor and the indifferent friendship. The language therapist Logger and the royal heir George defeated the "disease" together. The two people together are one for themselves. Struggling with very difficult tasks. Of course, this "disease" is not as simple as it is on the surface, just "stuttering" or "pronunciation", or "speaking fluently". In the international situation of the time, the ideal successor in the Crown Prince was obsessed with the affair, but for the social and international turmoil at the time, a powerful king, a wise commander, every move For the attention of the people, the people hope to have hope and confidence, and hope to see a king who can give them a sense of security. Therefore, George’s “disease” is rather compelling, because for the king and major occasions, a powerful and confident speech is essential for the royal family, the nationals and the public. thing.

So if George is a normal person, maybe he has a stutter, maybe he has a problem with his pronunciation. It's nothing. He can choose to be a writer and sell a pen. He can choose to sell his physical strength to maintain his livelihood. He can try to avoid communication and close the door. Closed, this is nothing important, he and others may not think that this is a problem. However, he became a royal heir and king with language defects. A small problem may become a big problem. Just like Edward, a playboy is actually nothing, but because of his background and responsibility, he seems to be somewhat ill-conceived. Feelings are actually created by location, because people can't choose their own origins.

Speaking of this, I think that many people may be envious of another kind of life. In fact, all life is a siege, unless you can have the key to each city door and you are free to enter. Otherwise, don’t envy or blindly pursue another Life, unless you have already thought through it, or you are a person who never regrets.

"Ou Ni Ni Ge Long Tai" reading notes

The author of "Ou Ni Ni Ge Longtai" is a great French critical realist writer in the 19th century, and the founder and outstanding representative of European critical realism literature. A lifelong creation of 96 ministers, middle and short stories and essays, the total name is "human comedy." Among them, the representative is "Eu Yanni Grande" and "The Old Man". For more than 100 years, his work has spread throughout the world, and has had a tremendous impact on the development of world literature and human progress. The greatest achievement of the novel is to create a typical demonic. Balzac chose a series of typical details to express his embarrassing character.

Ou Ni Ni Ge Langtai --- This book is based on the story of Ou Ni Ni Ge Longtai. Old Gelangtai is undoubtedly the most distinctive character among them. Greed and jealousy are his main personality traits.

In the eyes of the old Grande, money is above everything else, and without money, everything is finished. His desire for money and possessiveness almost reached a morbid level: he kept himself alone in the secret room in the middle of the night, "cares, caress, appreciates his gold coins, puts them in the bucket, and hugs them tightly." Before dying, she asked her daughter to put gold coins on the table and stare for a long time so that he could feel warm.

Insatiable greed for money makes Old Grande a full-fledged devil: despite his wealth of family wealth, he still lives in a dark, ruined old house, distributing his family's food and candles every day.

Greed and sorrow made Old Grande a slave to money and became ruthless. For the sake of money, unscrupulous means, even lost the basic emotions of the people, did not care about the feelings of the father and the daughter and the love of the husband and wife: after he learned that the daughter gave the savings to the Shire, he violently jumped, and put her under house arrest, "no fire Heating, only with bread and water." When his wife was so sick, his first thought was to ask the doctor to spend money. It was only after hearing that his wife had the right to share his inheritance with his wife after he died, he immediately changed his attitude and talked with his mother and daughter.

Accompanied by greed and jealousy is the sorrow and work of the old Grande. For every sale, he carefully calculated, which made him always profit in business and speculation. In addition, the deliberate pretense of stuttering and deafness is an effective weapon for him to blind his opponent.

Although the greed and embarrassment of the old Grande made him achieve a lot of purpose for collecting property, he lost his emotions and alienated into a "big python" that only knows to devour gold coins, and brings to his family and daughter. A heavy suffering.

Old Grande is one of the most successful images of Balzac's paintings. It has become a classic figure in the history of French literature and even in the history of world literature.

Ou Ni Ni -- Ou Ni Ni is the most kind and pure character in this novel. The whole novel is based on her tragic life. Her virtues gradually emerged in the painful life and contrasts with the old Grande, Charles, De Pengfeng, etc. The more suffering she suffered, the more hypocritical and ugly the other characters around her, her more The kindness, tolerance, and love are more distinct.

The tyrannical, embarrassed father, Old Gelangtai, gave Ou Ni Ni a "dark and bleak childhood" and ruined her youth. For her, the only hope in life is the love in anticipation. For love, she did not hesitate to take out all her savings and fund her lover, Shire, to make a living abroad; for love, she bravely resisted her father and did not give in to his arrogance. For love, she has been waiting for many years, and she misses her lover long distances.

However, the unselfish love is replaced by a ruthless abandonment. Charlie, who had made a fortune overseas, was greedy for fame and fortune, abandoned Ou Ni Ni, and wanted to marry a daughter of a noble family. Ou Ni Ni, who suffered a huge blow, suffered alone, and complained with morality, still treated Charles with tolerance, and took out a huge sum of money to pay off the father’s debt for Xial, and fulfilled his marriage with the noble lady. This kind of love of Ou Ni Ni is pure and noble.

When the people around are trapped in the magical marsh of money and are willing to be swallowed up by the whole life, Ou Ni Ni’s attitude towards money is also different and extraordinary. Although her wealth is increasing, money is neither a power nor a comfort to her. "She doesn't put gold in her heart. She only wants to live in heaven. She lives a life of loyalty and love. She only has some holy thoughts and constantly secretly aids those who suffer." The reverence for religion made her surpass the pain of personal pain. Treat the world with compassion. She used money to set up charity, and she lived a frugal, simple life.

Balzac's sympathy and praise shaped Ou Ni Ni, which made people see a glimmer of light in this dark world covered by money. At the same time, they could not help but feel sympathy for her fate as an innocent victim.

The character of Charles-Charles has a process of development and change. In the process, he gradually changed from a playboy in Paris to an adventurer and an ambitious man who is not evil.

When Charles appeared in the novel, he was still a young man who was only 21 years old. Because he was favored by his family and his parents, he developed a character that loves vanity and enjoyment, but he is not bad at this time. The sadness he showed after hearing about his father's death was true. The care, care and love of the cousin Ou Ni Ni made him feel the sacredness and purity of love. It can be said that if he has been with Ou Ni Ni, it will not fall.

It is a turning point in his life that Charles went abroad to do business. The changes in the living environment have enabled Xiaer’s original moral standards and values ​​to gradually sprout from the seeds of selfishness, which has been buried in the small, making him gradually become a shameless predator and loan shark, and only want to make a fortune. For this reason, we will not hesitate to take various measures. This kind of degeneration of Shire developed to the extreme is to betray the abandonment, abandon the feelings of Ou Ni Ni and pursue a noble daughter to achieve their ambition to chase fame and fortune and climb up.

The fall of Charles is a product of the influence of the entire social environment, indicating that money has penetrated into all areas of social life at that time, including interpersonal relationships and emotional areas.

Mrs. Grandpa - this is a character worthy of sympathy. Mrs. Grandpa is kind and weak, and her life is very simple. As a devout Catholic, she can say that she is obedient to her husband and never resists. This kind of rebellious attitude has in fact not only contributed to the dictatorship and embarrassment of Grande, but also brought suffering to himself and his daughter, Ou Ni. In the real world, Mrs. Grandpa, who bears the burden of humiliation, has pinned the hope of the People’s Armed Forces on the illusory heaven.

De Peng, the chief of the court, is the pursuer of Ou Ni Ni, who looks ugly but self-righteous. Struggling to pursue Ou Ni Ni, the purpose is to acquire her million family. The temperament is sly, sly, and the gift to Ou Ni Ni is a bunch of flowers. Although she realized the purpose of her wife, but she died early, she failed to take possession of her property, and it ended in a ridiculous and sad ending.

Take the 侬--Grand Taiwanese maid, hardworking, loyal to the owner, kindhearted, simple, compassionate, but the mind is simple and ignorant.

Kroxu's deity - De Peng's uncle, the leader of the Krouch party, the old man, the savage, the scheming, the money, and the grievances of the people often violate the duties of a clergyman.

The notary public, Kroxu, the brother of Kroxu’s deity, played a role in the process of De Peng’s pursuit of Ou Ni. He is the accomplice of Grande's loan sharks, and he is as sophisticated as his brother.

Mr. De Grassan - a banker in Somo City, used by Grande, to manage financial services such as public debt for him. This person has a simple mind, loves vanity, and enjoys happiness.

At the same time, Grande has the religious belief of the miser. In Balzac's penguin, Graceon, on the occasion of his death, left his daughter Eugene with a last word: "Take everything well! Go over there and pay me." Gelangtai said "the other side" It is undoubtedly referring to the religious world - the kingdom of heaven. Is it "the kingdom of heaven" and "paying the bill", is it a devout Christian, or a miser who loves money?

A devout Christian, for the "all-powerful" God and the "paradise" beyond the dust, can confine the world's seven passions, even at the expense of teaching. But in the body of Grande, there is no such thing as a religious believer who believes in the doctrine of the doctrine. Instead, he can see the greed of gold igniting the performance of the whole body, and preparing for the preciousness of the scorpion Charlie Too in the Grande When she put on the gold plate on her face, the docile and quiet daughter of the past has been eager to kneel and ask him: "Look at the face of the Virgin, look at the face of Christ on the cross, look at all the Holy Spirit, look at you. On the face of salvation, don't move it!... "Ou Ni Ni fantasies impressed his father with religious doctrines, let his father see the face of the Virgin, and can understand her daughter's feelings for the token. But Grande’s pleading for her daughter was indifferent, and the temptation of gold made him unable to help his wife and daughter to show their ugly ugliness. Grande is a religious person, but what is the doctrine of religion that binds him? Isn’t it possible to see the clues from here?

Therefore, when Grande is on the verge of death, "God sent the gilded cross to his lips and kissed him, but he made a sultry posture to hold the cross in his hand." This is an incomprehensible move by others, and it is not surprising that it comes from Grande. Because he is not interested in the teachings of religion, even at the time of his death, Grande’s guilt and perseverance to gold has not diminished, so when the gods show the “golden cross”, this “seems to have died for hours”. The eyes immediately became alive, and then I wanted to grab the hand, and leave the gold, he is dead! Gold is his most realistic God, the place where all his faith is.

It is true that Grande is not religiously religious, but because of his greed for money, he naturally hopes that after the death, there will be an ultra-dusting world that will accommodate him. There, he can continue to possess the yellow and dazzling gold, and even continue to use whatever means to win. As long as we know the nature of the Glantai miser, we will not be puzzled by the contradiction between the actions of the religion and the "lasting words". At this time, the "Heavenly Kingdom" proclaimed by Christianity is exactly in line with the intention of Grande. Therefore, although he is unwilling to make sacrifices and repentance for the doctrine, he hopes that the "Tianguo" of religion is indeed there. In other words, in Grande’s view, the existence of religion is due to his needs.

To put it bluntly, in this greedy miser, the religion is insignificant and has a false name; gold is important and important. Grande’s disdain for religion, and the “Heaven State” advocated by religion is convinced. This seemingly contradictory, real and unified metamorphosis psychology, so that we can see the soul of the ghosts of the grandfather to death, and see the hypocrisy of the grandfather - the existence of religion, just for his existence.

This is an ordinary tragedy that has no poison, no sharp knife, no bloodshed.

"Love Education" reading notes

"Education of Love" is adapted from the diary of the son of Edmundo de Amiciches. This is a diary novel, with the eyes of a fourth-grade boy, An Li Ke, telling the story, feelings and feelings from the first day of the fourth grade in October to the second year of October. 100 articles, including a variety of touching stories around Amico, including many persuasive and inspiring articles written by relatives, and nine touching monthly readings that teachers read in class. story. By shaping a seemingly small, real and extraordinary figure, there is a wave of emotions in the reader's heart, so that the virtue of love will remain in the reader's heart. The whole novel examines the beauty and ugliness, the good and the evil around me in the eyes of a primary school student, and completely uses love to feel the bits and pieces of life.

"Education of Love" is considered to be one of the ten novels that must be read by the Italians. It is a long-lasting masterpiece in the history of world literature and is recognized by all countries in the world as the most loving and educational reading. The following are the educational reading notes of learning to organize love:

The book "Love of Education" is a book that has been circulated around the world. It is written in the form of a child's diary. Although each piece is not long, it has a touching story. "Love", how bright, how fondant words. People pursue love and hope to have love. Love can make people better. If we want to have it completely, we must enrich it and let us work together to create the best love in the world. This book is also intended to express this.

Among the books I like most are the "Charters and Gentlemen" and "The Act of Righteousness". The first section writes a father's love for his son Nos, Nos. His father was a "called Hanako". After the father of Norris knew it, he wanted to apologize to Pei and his father. Although the father of Pei’s father repeatedly refused, the father of Connors insisted on letting Norris Apologize, from here, you can know that Nosius’s father is a man of integrity. He uses his love to edify his son and make his son a person who cares about others and does not make fun of others. The second section is about an ink cartridge to the teacher. The reason is that Clossi was insulted. Finally, I couldn’t stand it. I took the ink cartridge and threw it at the people. I didn’t expect to throw it into the teacher who just came in from the door. Finally, Karon wants to help him to sin, but the teacher knows that it is not him, let the perpetrator stand up, and does not give him punishment, listen to him after the facts are arrested, but Karon said something to the teacher, the teacher Do not punish them. Here is a noble spirit that Caron cares about others, and he has to be a great person and be a man. This is a rare kind of doing things for others.

After reading this, I want to create a self-interest, self-interest, anti-crime, fear of offense, malicious competition and other unhealthy styles in this society with economic interests. The spirit has gradually become indifferent. While the society is strengthening spiritual construction, we should also learn to care for others in the school family, let ourselves lead by example, use their love to inspire others, and let love stay in people's hearts forever.

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