Good word

Gulliver’s Travels

1. The surrounding fields are like inexhaustible gardens. The fields that are circled are usually forty feet square, like many flower beds.

2. Now let me describe the emperor's appearance. His height is higher than other royal palaces

3. The ministers are all taller than the one of my fingernails. This alone has made the people who saw him awe. He is handsome and powerful, with Austrian lips, eagle nose, tea cyan * skin, face and firmness, dignified body and limbs are very well-proportioned, elegant and elegant.

4. His costume is very simple, between the Asian and European styles, but wearing a gold-plated helmet with jewels on his head and a feather on the top of the helmet.

5. His voice is sharp, but it is clear and clear, I can stand it clearly.

6. The king asked Gulliver about European customs, religion, law, government and academics. Gulliver told him about the great events that have taken place in Britain over the past 100 years. But after listening to it, he said: "These big things are just a lot of conspiracy, rebellion, assassination, slaughter, revolution and exile." And accused: "Most of your compatriots belong to the abominable small crawling ground in nature. The most harmful of the poisonous insects."

7. The king will govern the country with reason and kindness. His evaluation of people is: "Who wants to make two bunches of grain ears and two blades of grass on the land that only produces a bunch of grain ears and a blade of grass, who is more effective than humans for all politicians. The contribution is even greater."

8. Gulliver believes that “this monarch has all kinds of qualities of respect, love and admiration: he has excellent talents, infinite wisdom, profound knowledge, and the ability to govern the country, and is also supported by the people.”

9. Scientists here are happily conducting ridiculous research: some are designing how to extract sunlight from cucumbers; some want to restore feces to food; use pigs to cultivate land; others want to use spider webs, Use the bellows to pump up the rule of law and so on. In school education, people here are prepared to cancel the vocabulary and think it is good for health.

10. A professor is writing a book on how to detect anti-government conspiracy. Then Gulliver introduced him to Langdon's approach in this regard. Gulliver said: "The residents there are almost all detectives, witnesses, informants, protesters, prosecutors, certifiers, vows accused and their minions... Most people who make conspiracy in this kingdom are trying Raise your politician's identity, restore a weak and incompetent government, suppress or alleviate the dissatisfaction of the people, steal the confiscated property to fill their pockets, and make public opinion so that it can be in line with personal interests."

11. He also compared the Roman parliament with the modern parliament and said: "The parliament in Rome seems to be a gathering of heroes and demigods, while the modern parliament is like a group of hawkers, pickpockets, bandits and thugs. ”

12. Gulliver said: "Sometimes because the monarch is ambitious, he always thinks that the ground of the rule is not big enough, and the population is not enough. Sometimes, because the ministers are corrupt and corrupt, and their masters are engaged in war, they can suppress or transfer people. Dissatisfaction with domestic administrative affairs."

13. Gulliver also talked about the usefulness of law and money. He said that the Yehus in Europe think: "Whether it is money or money, the more money the better, the less time, because they are the nature, not extravagant waste or greed. The rich enjoy The results of the poor, and the ratio of the poor to the rich is one thousand to one."

14. I crossed the west gate and walked lightly, leaning sideways through the two main streets, wearing only a short vest, because I was worried that if I wore a jacket, the hem of the clothes might be scratched. The roof or eaves of a house. Although there is a strict prohibition on anyone going out, there will be danger to life, but I am very careful to walk, lest I step on the people who are on the street.

15. I crossed the wall after I got permission from the emperor. The open space between the wall and the palace is very large, and I can easily look around every side of the palace. The outer court is forty feet square, including two palaces. The innermost is the royal inner court. I really want to see it but find it very difficult. The reason is that the gate from one palace to the other is only eighteen inches high and seven inches wide. The building in the outer courtyard is five feet high. Although the walls are made of solid stone and are four inches thick, if I cross it, it is likely to cause great damage to the entire building. At this time, the emperor also hoped that I would pay a visit to his magnificent palace, but I did it three days later. In those three days, I used a knife to cut a few of the biggest trees in the Royal Park about a hundred yards from the city, and made two stools, each about three feet high, and could withstand my weight.

16. But the main difficulty is how to lift me up and put it in the car. To this end, they erected eighty-one-foot pillars. The workers tied the forgotten neck, hands, body and legs with a bandage, and then hooked the bandage with a hook and a very strong rope. One is tied to the top of the wooden column. Nine hundred strongest men zip the rope, and in less than three hours, I lifted it up and hanged it in the car.

17. I think these are more exaggerated as if this scene appeared before my eyes. .

18. Chu. The ladies and the courtiers were all dressed very beautifully, and they stood there as if they were wearing a petticoat embroidered with gold and silver.

19. Because I am worried that if I wear a shirt, the hem of the clothes may scratch the roof or eaves of the house. Everything is ready, the time has come, I say goodbye to my master, housewife and their family. There was tears in my eyes and I felt very sad. On the one hand, my master was out of curiosity. On the one hand, because of my friendship with me, I decided to go to the beach to send me to the boat. I also called several friends nearby to go with him. In order to wait for the tide, I had to wait for more than an hour. Later, when I saw the wind blowing to the small island I was planning to sail, I would say goodbye to my master again. But just as I was going to kneel down to kiss its hooves, it gave me a special face and gently lifted my hoof to my mouth. I am not unaware that I have been blamed for mentioning this incident; everyone who is jealous of me believes that such a "clearness" is not likely to give such great glory to such inferior animals. of. I have never forgotten that some travellers like to brag about what special grace they have received. However, if these people who blame me have a deeper understanding of the noble and courteous nature of "Hui Wei", they will immediately change their views.

20. People will miss their own nature at the most critical moments*, but they don’t know if their friends can be as united as ants!!!!!

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