Good sentence Daquan > beautiful sentence

Forgotten sentences must be strong

1. The sky is dark, and the dreams must be lighted; the road is far away, and the feet must be stepped on; the wings are broken, the body must fly; the life is tired, and you must be strong.

2. If one eliminates his free time, youth will fade, and life will abandon him.

3, youth is a book that can not be closed when it is opened; life is the way to return to the head; love is a gamble that can not be recovered when it is put down; life is a fog that cannot be opened if it rises.

4, listen to music when you are free, cultivate yourself; do some exercise when you are distressed, relax yourself; add some calm and temper yourself when you are floating; when you are sad, you forget to call yourself and dilute yourself.

5. Marriage is a miracle. Transferring kisses from happiness to duty, turning life from luxury to necessity.

Thanks for admiring this article, more beautiful sentences, please pay attention: forgetting the past sentences, sad and desperate sentences

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