Classic Quotations > Classic Lines

"Growing up" classic lines


Classic lines:

1. I tell you that my surgery doesn't need video million forwarding. I don't need a big night and my ex-boyfriend is crying here and making a love drama. This is not a show. This is a battlefield, not a place where you can stay.

2. 11. The enrollment has been blinded, what are you doing so stupid? Are you just being shackled? Then, where are you coming from?

3. 12. I am willing to add icing on the cake. But the anti-micro-duration, you can not forget.

4. Stupid, stupid, you

5. Security is a luxury for you from now on.

6. I don't laugh, don't you give you a way to live, I am better than you, and you have affinity, are you still alive?

7. He treats me, I pay the bill.

8. I swear I must test your group and ask you to stay with me.

9. The more you are in a hospital, the more you should pay attention to your appearance, so that you can still remind the world that the world is still very beautiful.

10. People are not flying for the first time. - Bai Baihe

11. One tree pear flower pressed Haiyan, Renhua Medical University Xie Nanxiang.

12. Why are so many bad guys? -- Bai Baihe

13. Cheng: You are not right here, this piece has to be turned down, Zhou: I am standing, Cheng: suit and stand collar?

14. It was a ring tones, not me.

15. I spent a full half an hour and listened to the 20-minute Qiong Yao drama. ——Lu Yi

16. How are these bad guys?

17. Cheng Aunt, are you finished? I see you packed up and went to the Women’s Federation to report it.

18. Then you go to tell the students, don't come to Renhua for an internship, because Renhua will only teach them, don't pick up the incurable diseases, don't touch the patients, and the Hippocratic vows are nonsense, every sentence inside. Translating words into you means: trouble


Renhua is the largest top three hospital in Jiangcheng. The girl in the town, Ye Chunmeng, entered the Renhua internship with high scores. She dreamed of showing her talents, but she encountered the test and training of Zhou Ming, a poisonous tongue tutor. The cruel final elimination rule, the ubiquitous fierce competition, not only challenges the physical, intellectual and willpower of rookie interns, but also tests their friendship, love, and attachment to their dreams. The intern doctor Ye Chunmeng is hard-working and talented. Even the devil's mentor Zhou Ming is secretive to her, and Ye Chunmeng has long been plagued by inferiority from poor families in small towns. She is between the well-trained interns Chen Hao and Bai Xiaojing. The recognition of strength and the qualification to stay in the hospital was her only goal. To this end, in the face of Chen Hao and Bai Xiaojing's superior life, she was sensitive, and she was shaken by the temptation to let her struggle for ten years. She was hesitant to face the obstacles between Zhou and Ming. But in the end, under the inspiration of Zhou Ming, in the actual combat of treating patients, she found her self again, discovered the happiness and significance of medical treatment, and realized the true meaning of happiness.

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