Classic Quotations > Classic Lines

"Follow me home" classic lines

Classic lines:

1. There is only one person in the world who can't think of it, no one can't do it. What I want to do is to change the world. ——Menzhuzhu

2. People have to do something they like, I will support you no matter what you do. ——Liu Hui

3. People have their own aspirations, returning to the family, perhaps the dreams hidden in the hearts of each of us, no one dares to try, family has courage.

4. Which woman does not want her husband to get out of the way, what is wrong with me?——刘慧

5. Even if it is a fire pit, I have to jump in. I only have one way. ——Liu Hui

6. Why are you looking for such an irrelevant old rural lady to be our mother?

7. I thought I could find someone to replace you, but I was wrong and I couldn't forget you.

8. My name is Menjiaxiang. I just want to be a quiet warm man. My wish is to live my childhood.

9. You have stolen 100,000 yuan. Can you calm down? People don’t let you live a good life, can you calm down?——Men Jiaxiang

10. Wang Tianping, you are a bastard! - Men Jiaxiang

11. You are married to Auntie, I am not happy, I am not happy, I am not beautiful.

12. You are bleeding me seven times today. If you are there, you will not be able to do this. ——Men Jiaxiang

13. Your stupid behavior not only insults you, but also insults our family.

14. You can't use things emotionally. You must think twice, leave, and must leave. - Menri


When Men Jiaxiang suffered setbacks in his career, his father, Menui, took his son Xiaobao into a car accident, and Menri learned that Xiaobao was not a door child. So his wife Liu Hui left with Xiaobao. The disappearance of Xiaobao, let Menui find that he still can not do without Xiaobao, his wife Liu Hui grateful to the door, decided to make a head. But the reality is very cruel, the younger brother of the family has been provoked, the star dream of the sister's threshold is also ruined, his wife Liu Hui is going to commit suicide because of the debt, all the pressure is on the door of the head, because of the tenacity of the door, slowly The debt was paid off. However, Liu Hui imagined that her husband had an extramarital affair, the door of the family began to self-inflate, the threshold was terminally ill, Xiao Bao’s biological father Wang Tianping also came to the door of the house, and Men Jiaxiang once again set off the burden of the family. Thanks to many unscrupulous acts of good deeds, there were many unexpected support at this time. At this time, the company also promoted Jiaxiang as the vice president, and Liu Huihuai went to the door of the family.

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