Classic Quotations > Classic Lines

"Not born" classic lines

1. Did you say that I worked hard? No, I just came to this world without hard work. No effort was abandoned. No effort... now... will be here like this...

2. It is best to receive treatment when you go to school. The workplace will only use the results to receive you.

3. They are all 26 years old. In the end, what are you doing, and you will not do one? This is the recent youth.

4. It is not because the world is unfair, but because I am not working hard enough to fail.

5. The road is not used to walk, and it is most important to make progress while walking. The road that cannot be improved is not a road. Although the road is open to everyone, not everyone can take this path.

6. In any case, this is a life to live, it is a world worth living.

7. You may not know that Go has such a term, it is not born, it is alive... We are still unborn now.

8. Work hard. So... I have not worked hard, so my efforts are new products. I will work hard. I will use my heart unconditionally.

9. Yeah... What did I do in 26 years...

10. Give you the opportunity? It is also a qualification to get an opportunity. The people here, in order to step into the lobby of this building, do you know how many steps they climbed?


On this chessboard, called the "world", we are surrounded by Zhang Clay's topic: "The TV series that touched the hearts of all the people in this era." Zhang Ke, who was completely devoted to Go at a young age. After the election of Lai, he became an internship employee of a comprehensive trading company, and he worked hard to become a formal employee. Every day in a company that thinks nothing special is like fighting... When you almost give up, you start to work hard with the mentor who sees your value for the real "career" and the winner of life.

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