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Value of life

Not everyone knows the value of their existence. The person who finds the value of his own existence is a person, so what is the person who has not found the value of existence? It may be just a tool.

What is the value of existence? It can be said that it is the biggest driving force of life. When people find their own existence value, they will live tenaciously and strive to resist the so-called destiny. Possibly, many people think they have found their own existence value, but this is often not true. Some people think that chasing fame and fortune is his existence value, but in the end, does name and profit bring true happiness or ugly personality to yourself? His own reaction is the clearest. And my existence value is: to protect people who are important to themselves, to become a center of laughter for friends, to bring joy to others. I think this is my existence value. There are many reasons. I believe this kind of? I am born on the date, saying that I am a natural leader, and my ability can only be revealed in the collective. Indeed, when I am alone, the kind of loneliness and loneliness that cannot be said is really hard.

Every one of us is born to find the value of our existence. However, why do some people find their own existence value long ago, and some people do not find it until they are seven or eighty years old, even when they die? Because they are confused, they won't choose, they are afraid of choosing the wrong one, they are afraid to accept the unknown future, so they would rather not choose, not to be sure. These reasons often lead to their loss on the road of life. I feel that since we feel that we can find the value of real existence, we should be proud of it and use our own life to protect the value of our existence, because this is the brilliance of life.

No matter who you are, you are eager to find your own existence value and want to be needed. This is not a permanent law, but at least in the hearts of most people. I hope that people who see this article can find the value of their existence and work hard and struggle for their own existence. This may be silly, but who would mind finding a meaningful life?

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