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Laughing at life

When faced with hardships, laughter is a kind of self-confidence for life, and self-confidence, such as Li Bai, has the belief that "everything will be useful, and the money will be restored."
When you are in trouble, laughter is a kind of calmness to life, as calm as Fan Wenzheng, and there is an open-mindedness of "not to be happy with things, not to be sad".
When encountering setbacks, laughter is a kind of free and easy for life, free and easy like Su Shi, and writes the wish of "I hope that people will last forever."
Laugh at life and let them climb the summit of success.
Laughing at life is a great asset in our life. She is the spring rain that awakens flowers. It is the sun that blows away the dark clouds. It makes you feel calm after being frustrated and confident in the plain; you can still rise after the heavy damage. Get adorned in happiness. Laughing for life, you will sail to the other side of success.
Mencius once said that "every day will be reduced to a person who is also a person, must first bitter his mind, labor and bones, hungry his body, empty body, do what he does, so tempted and tolerant, gaining what he can not." What an optimistic attitude is, facing life with a smile.
"I have found at least a thousand kinds of materials that are not suitable for filaments." It is this spirit that led to the invention of electric lights, suffered thousands of failures Edison, became the invention king, laughed at life and made him successful.
In the circumstances of repeated encounters, although Liu Yuxi was living in a dim room, he was still in poverty and sorrowful. "Talking and laughing has a great Confucianism, and there is no white Ding in the past." "There is no such thing as a slap in the face.
Laughing at life, let him be open-minded in adversity.
At the moment when the trigger is about to be pulled, Paul. Kochakin discovers the meaning of life - smiling, facing life, making him a household name hero.
In the face of adversity, Beethoven did not indulge. He turned his passion for life into a passion for composing music. He laughed at life and asked him to write the most powerful and generous music in the world, the Symphony of Destiny.
The unsatisfactory life is ten-nine, but the end of life will be sweet, the dark clouds can not permanently obscure the glory of the sun; the sandstone can not permanently cover the light of gold.
Smiling and facing life, you will find that the sky is always clear, the white clouds are always elegant, the lake is always clear, the mountains are always towering, smiling, singing the songs of life, please don't forget: laugh to life !

Changchun City No. 162 Middle School, three classes in two years

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