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China's road to revival

As a country with a long history, China's relations with neighboring countries and Western countries have experienced a long period of time. Before the Opium War, China was the center of the international system of relations. Under this system, China does not care much about the development of the Western world. The development of Western capitalism and the expansion of colonialism are closely linked to China through the Opium War. The Western-style international relations system took the cannon as a striker and quickly pushed the trade and colonial system to the east, and the Eastern-style international relations system that maintained morality and dignity was quickly defeated. China is struggling in a harsh international environment where humiliation, indemnity, ceding of land and sovereignty are eroded. At the beginning of the 20th century, after the signing of the "Xin Chou Treaty", from the perspective of international relations, or from the perspective of domestic historical process, the indulgence of China's national trend has reached the "bottom."

In the failure and humiliation, China's advanced elements are thinking and beginning to awaken. A group of early reformist thinkers criticized the Westernization Movement. They criticized the Westernization faction for knowing only "teachers and long-distance skills," and slammed the skin of Western art, and did not have the essentials of Western art. Therefore, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and others, under the support of Emperor Guangxu, launched the Reform Movement of 1898. Within a hundred days, the embarrassment of politics, economy, military, law, and school education, like a snow flake, seems to be vigorous and promising. But the coup came along, Guangxu was imprisoned, Kang Liang fled, and the six gentlemen smashed the bloody city. The anti-imperialist patriotic actions of the peasants in North China also failed in the pool of blood. Can such a stubborn feudal autocratic government lead the country’s reform and progress?

Mr. Sun Yat-sen was an outstanding revolutionary who profoundly revealed the direction of Chinese society in the early 20th century. In the difficult exploration, he clearly put forward three major ideas of nationality, civil rights, and people's livelihood, and created a modern Chinese national democratic revolution in a complete sense. The success of the Revolution of 1911 destroyed the feudal monarchy that followed China for more than two thousand years and established a new form of state designed in accordance with the bourgeois democratic political concept. However, after the Revolution of 1911, the state power was mastered by Yuan Shikai and the Beiyang warlords. The warlords fought, the country was not peaceful, the people were not living, and the country’s independence and democracy, prosperity and strength still had no hope.

During the May Fourth Movement, advanced intellectuals resolutely raised the banner of democracy and science, and profoundly criticized feudalism from the ideological, moral, and cultural aspects, thus unveiling the prelude to ideological enlightenment. Some people have doubts about capitalist society and have proposed a plan to transform Chinese society. The October Revolution in Russia had an important impact on them. They saw that the workers became the masters of the country for the first time, and considered this to be "a victory for socialism." "The victory of the world labor class is the victory of the new trend of the 20th century." . This kind of proposition has affected the development direction of the new cultural movement and also influenced the development direction of the May Fourth Movement. During the May Fourth period, the widespread spread of Marxism in China and the intensification of China's domestic and foreign troubles prompted advanced intellectuals to gather under the banner of Marxism. The establishment of the Communist Party of China in 1921 and became the leader of the Chinese revolutionary movement was precisely adapted to the needs of history.

In the 1920s, with the help of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Nationalist Party held its first national congress, formed the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and achieved victory in defeating the Northern Warlords. However, Chiang Kai-shek once monopolized the leadership of the national revolution and betrayed the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, resulting in a breakdown of cooperation and the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. In 1937, due to the Japanese imperialists launching a full-scale aggression against China, the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Nationalist Party once again joined hands in the face of an unprecedented national crisis, mobilizing the people of the whole country to jointly fight against Japanese aggression, and finally won the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek insisted on the Kuomintang dictatorship, which led to the breakdown of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

In this process, the Chinese communists represented by Comrade Mao Zedong combined Marxism-Leninism with the reality of the Chinese revolution, created Mao Zedong Thought, formed the theory of the new-democratic revolution and the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal strategy under the guidance of this theory. And the strategy puts forward the correct guideline for guiding the Chinese revolution to victory. It points out that China must first pass the new democracy and then enter the socialist development path, laying a profound political and ideological foundation for the establishment of the new China.

The new China must follow the socialist road and is the inevitable result of the historical development of modern China.

After the May 4th Movement, especially after the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, capitalism is the direction of national development, or socialism is the direction of national development. It is a question that many people, especially the intellectuals, are thinking about, and also concerned with the direction of Chinese social development. The party’s serious thinking. Among the various national salvation programs, the Three People's Principles and socialism have the greatest influence. The spread and implementation of these two trends or trends have influenced the direction of Chinese society. In modern China, which political forces can lead the people to win the victory of the democratic revolution, which political forces can gain the dominance of guiding China to take the path.

The Three People's Principles is a political and ideological proposal put forward by Mr. Sun Yat-sen in the international and domestic situation in the early 20th century. It is the basic program of the Chinese bourgeois-democratic revolution. This kind of proposition or program was re-expressed by Sun Yat-sen at the First National Congress of the Chinese Nationalist Party in 1924, reflecting the requirements of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party against the Northern Warlords. It is the people's livelihood thought in the Three People's Principles that reflects Sun Yat-sen's social transformation thought. After the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in early 1925, with the split of the Chinese Kuomintang, the Three People's Principles were tampered with by the ambitions of different political propositions within the Kuomintang. The falsified "Three People's Principles" violated Mr. Sun Yat-sen's policy of "joining Russia, the Communist Party, and supporting agricultural workers", opposed Marxism, opposed socialist doctrine, opposed and slaughtered the Communist Party, and advocated the suppression of the workers and peasants movement. The Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek deviated from the interests of the masses of the people and violated the direction of the progress of modern Chinese history. They finally lost completely in the final battle to determine the destiny of China's history. The Three People's Principles cannot save China, and it was confirmed in such a big decisive battle.

The only way to save China is the new democratic theory. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: "Only through democracy can we reach socialism. This is the justification of Marxism." "The democratic revolution is a necessary preparation for the socialist revolution, and the socialist revolution is the inevitable trend of the democratic revolution." A democratic society is a transitional society, and its future must be a socialist society. That is to say, the new democratic theory clearly defines the direction of China's socialist development. China's taking the socialist road is a choice of history and a choice of the people. This choice has been tested by harsh historical practice.

The founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949 is the total accumulation of lessons learned from the old democratic revolution to the new-democratic revolution, marking the final victory of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle of modern China. This is a great milestone in Chinese history for more than 100 years and a great milestone in the history of China's 5,000 years. It ended the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society since the Opium War, ended the feudal autocracy system of more than 2,000 years, suspended the development trend of China's possible entry into the capitalist world system, and ended the end of a very small number of oppressors and exploiters who ruled the working people. History has ended the country’s fragmentation, the end of the battle, the poverty of the people, and the ruin of life. For the first time, the Chinese saw a new China that is independent, unified, and the people are the masters of the country.

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