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I am studying, I am happy.

I am an eleven-year-old girl. The most feared are the ugly insects. Since I read Fabre’s Insects, I have learned about this wonderful insect world. There are “pretend experts”. Step bye, "The funeral division" buried the insects...

My favorite is the story of the "installed expert" armor. The sun has already sunk on the sea, and the lively beaches of the day have gradually quieted down. Suddenly, a distant seaweed crawled out of a black armor. He was a famous master of fighting. The insects called him a "general." He was tall, about 35 mm long, and he was even more terrible. Killer equipment, uncompromising large amount and jagged front legs. However, if he encounters a stronger opponent than him, he will pretend to die. When the whole body suddenly becomes stiff and unable to move, it is dead, sometimes for 20 minutes or as long as one hour. Otherwise why do you say that the carabace is a "killing expert"!

Fabre's observations are fascinating, and the story is vivid and interesting, so that a little girl who is afraid of bugs likes a huge family of insects, but my favorite insects are those beautiful butterflies.

Sixth grade: Li Duoduo

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