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Don't litter

School is the place where we study and live. It is the responsibility of each of our classmates to care for the campus environment. But in fact, some students are littering things, some students don’t care about flowers and trees, and some students don’t pay attention to the occasions. Get mad.

The campus is like our home. "Love the campus, everyone is responsible." Whenever I saw littering paper balls and paper scraps, I was very angry. Some students will eat snacks and chewing gum when they enter the school gate. When chewing gum is chewed, they will vomit everywhere. Let’s say our class, Wang Zetong. This classmate enters the school gate, the mouth chews endlessly, and the class is still chewing. I have been caught several times by our art teacher and physical education teacher, and I still don’t change it. I want to tell them: "Can you not chew?" When the teacher said you, it affected us to class. Let us help the teacher and care for the campus environment!

Please let us work together to protect the campus environment!

Grade 5 of the Five Years of Shui Xian Guo Xiao, Jinping District, Shantou, Guangdong: Wu Xiaopeng

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