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The Analects of Confucius grew up with me

"Zi Zi: 'Let's learn from time to time, don't you say it? Have friends come from afar, don't you say it? People don't know what to do, don't you be a gentleman?' This poem is a poem, this profound language They are all from the Analects of Confucius, the great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism in China.

When I was young, my mother gave me the Analects of Confucius every night. However, that is what I don't understand. I can only read the words with my mother shaking my head.

Now, I am growing up. I also understand a lot from this wisdomful discourse. Among them, what I feel most deeply is the opening of The Analects: Learning from time to time. It reveals two kinds of happiness "yue" and "le" on earth. This kind of happiness is everywhere. As long as you are good at discovering, you will get it. This passage tells me that it is a very pleasant thing to study and review frequently. It is also very gratifying to have friends coming from afar. People don't know you and they are not angry. Such talents are gentlemen! After reading this book, I understand not only learning, but also a lot about growth. In fact, the growth of a person is nothing more than three things. It is to learn from others, yourself and society. We must first learn to learn, this must be done well. However, simple study is not enough, because people want to live in society, it is difficult to get out of the group. Therefore, the interaction between people is also very important, to not forget old friends and meet new people. When we handed over to a friend, we both improved our study and added a friend. Why not? The most important point is that we must know ourselves correctly, never go to the meeting, never understand and understand, and truly improve and cultivate. Become a true self.

Last year, I did a good job in the class, which led to being too self-righteous and thought that I was better than them. However, when I was proud, a small three-by-three magic cube attracted my attention. I only saw the same table for a while, and I effortlessly put the messy cube into six sides. This made me look dazzled and convinced, I suddenly realized that I am not doing everything, there will be anything, and there are many people who are better than me. At this time, I remembered a sentence in the Analects: Threesome, there must be my teacher. The face does not feel ashamed like a cooked shrimp. So, I went to the same table where the exam was always the last to teach me the spell. Although I only learned two layers, I am still very happy, because I understand that everyone is not perfect, there are many deficiencies, why should you be humbly, if you learn from other excellent people, you will be better! And, we can't underestimate the students who are not very good at learning, they also have a good side.

Reading "The Analects of Confucius" has improved me a lot. This short and esoteric language tells us that life is always simple and simple. From the study and the article, I understand that reading and shoes are a good way to improve one's own quality; from the gentleman's article, I understand that gentlemen should be solemn and solemn, and have a serious attitude; from the filial piety, I know Everything is filial, and I want to be a person who respects my parents and noble morals. From the advanced chapters, I know that I don’t know how to be a person and I want to be talented. From the political writings, I understand...

It is precisely because of the profoundness and profound meaning of "The Analects of Confucius" that it can affect the generations of Chinese children.

Sixth grade: Liu Jiayi

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