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The beauty of man, outside the United States

Beauty, there are many, it can be a plastic flower that will never fade; it can be a beautiful wallpaper that hides the ugly wall; or a fascinating gouache on the face.

Beauty can also be very different, like the scent of the shallow Sushui that stays on the doctor's father, never need to be modified, but it is natural; occasionally it is the watermark background below the text, without attaching In the text. It is just a calm blend of itself; such as the light ink on the paper, or the natural milk smell of the new born baby. It’s fascinating to say nothing about it.

This is the beauty in my eyes. The gorgeousness of the watch is not only the inner beauty, but also the most authentic under the normal state, without the slightest feminine creation. It’s a natural beauty that is revealed by the heart’s beauty and inadvertently! With such temperament in the crowd, everything around it is dim, only the beam of spotlight on the top of the head is exposed naked. On the head, I added a circle of angels - I think this is called nature!

It’s like Liu Xiang’s confidence in facing the reporter when he defeated Alan Jensen’s flag on the field. He smiled and said: “Today is good, I think the next one will be better”.

Or, as Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing has calmly answered questions from journalists from other countries in other countries, he has shown calm and self-defeating when he speaks Chinese-foreign relations and national positions.

There are always people like us around us.

A woman wearing a coarse floral skirt and a plain coat, even if she is doing a humble job every day, she greets every guest with a warm smile and conveys her good mood. With kind and sincere help to people who are in trouble, even if the income is meager, they will not complain too much about the injustice of life. I know that her face may not be beautiful, but his inner beauty is like a flower in the mountains reflecting the sun. The fluorescing light is the aura from the top of her heart.

Perhaps the tearful-eyed Korean drama sad heroine can't touch us, maybe it can't be convinced by the politicians who are savage, let us close our eyes and feel quietly on the noisy street! Feel the life with your heart, love you with kindness, and gradually there will be a halo on our heads, so that the face with a smile will be the most beautiful.

The beauty of man is outside the United States.

Grade 6: Children's paper with essay dreams

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