Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Lu Xun's famous sayings

1. Reading must be eye-catching, oral, heart-to-heart, hand-to-hand, brain---Lu Xun famous words

2. It is a pity to try to delete the words, sentences and paragraphs that are dispensable. --Lu Xun famous words

3. Tragedy destroys the valuable things of life and shows them. The comedy tears the valueless to people. --Lu Xun famous words

4. With local characteristics, it is easy to become the world. It is the attention of other countries. --Lu Xun famous words

5. Write a novel, in the end, it is to write characters. The essence of the art of fiction is the art of creating characters. --Lu Xun famous words

6. The brave man lifts the knife to the strong one--Lu Xun famous words

7. The cross-browed cold is on the fingers, and the bow is the scorpion. --Lu Xun famous words

8. A drop of water, seen with a microscope, is also a big world. --Lu Xun famous words

9. It is better to reform yourself than to ban others. —— Lu Xun

10. At the time of the march, some people were retired from time to time, some were in the wild, some were in Sui and Tang, and some were rebellious. However, as long as there is no obstacle to proceeding, the team will become a pure and elite team. —— Lu Xun

11. It is impossible to say nothing, but what is important is to do it. —— Lu Xun

12. Huge buildings are always stacked with one stone and one stone. Why can we do this wood and stone? I often do some piecemeal things. —— Lu Xun

13. Empty talks, etc., are not long-term talks, and nothing can be said. It is always taken out of the original form by the mirror of facts and dragged out of the tail. —— Lu Xun

14. Killing "now" and killing "the future." ---- The future is the age of the children. —— Lu Xun

15. Children are taught by others, and they are required to be treated by others, even if they are teachers or doctors. However, the method of being a man is probably to be considered by himself. The recipe for many people is often nothing but waste paper. —— Lu Xun

16. Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel. —— Lu Xun

17. Without breaking through all the traditional ideas and techniques, China will not have true new art. Literature and art is the light of the national spirit, and it is also the light that guides the future of the national spirit.

18. The deeds written have probably had a reason to have seen or heard, but they will never use this fact, but take one end, transform it, or make a living, until it is enough to express my opinion almost completely. The model of the character is the same. There is no one person, but the mouth is in Zhejiang, the face is in Beijing, and the clothes are in Shanxi. It is a patchwork role.

19. It is a pity to try to remove the words, sentences and paragraphs that are dispensable.

20. Water comes out of the fountain, and blood comes out of the blood vessels.

21. Tragedy destroys the valuable things of life and shows them. The comedy tears the worthlessness to people.

22. With local characteristics, it is easy to become a world. It is the attention of other countries.

23. Writing a novel, in the end, is to write a character. The essence of the art of fiction is the art of creating characters.

24. The genre of prose is actually quite casual. There are also flaws. I am afraid that there are flaws in writing and diary, and when there is a flaw, it will be shattered. Instead of preventing flaws, it is better to forget the flaws.

25. Saving time means making a person's limited life more effective, which is equivalent to prolonging human life.

26. Don't write hard when you can't write it - Lu Xun's famous sayings

27. I hope that there is no such thing as it is, and there is no such thing as nothing. This is like the road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground. If there are more people, it will become a road. --Lu Xun famous words

28. Not a big whip hits the back, and China itself is not willing to move. --Lu Xun famous words

29. Dealing with rogues by rogue means and dealing with rogues by rogue means. --Lu Xun famous words

30. Hope is attached to existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, there is light. --Lu Xun famous words

31. Young people can first turn China into a voiced China. Speak boldly, bravely, forget all the interests, push the ancients out, and publish your true words--Lu Xun

32. The society respects celebrities, so the words of famous people are famous words, but they forget that the reason why he got the name is that kind of study or career--Lu Xun

33. I don’t know if Han Xing is not aware of it.

34. May the Chinese youth get rid of the air-conditioning, just go up, do not have to listen to the words of self-destructive.

35. In fact, there is no road on the ground. If there are more people going, it will become a road.

36. Where there is a genius, I am using the coffee for others to work.

37. Only the spirit of the nation is worthy of preciousness. Only when it is carried forward can China make real progress.

38. Being calm, brave, discerning, not selfish.

39. When you are young, don't treat him as a person. If you are older, you can't do it.

40. Ruthlessness may not be true hero, how pity does not husband

41. The harder it is, the more it will be done. Reform has never been smooth sailing.

42. Everything must be studied before it will be understood.

43. Our immediate priorities are: one must survive, the other must be full, and the third must be developed.

44. We must dare to face up, and this is expected to dare to think, dare to say, dare to do, and dare to act.

45. The brave is angry, and the blade is stronger; the leader is angry, but the blade is weaker. There must be many heroes in the incurable nation, and they will be blind to the children. These gimmicks.

46. ​​China has always had few heroes who have failed, few resilience, and few martial artists who dare to fight alone. There are few slings who dare to cry and renep the traitors. Seeing Shengzhao are gathered together, and when they see defeat, they flee.

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