Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Failed famous sayings

1. The defeat is not lost. ——Lu Weiwei

2. Everything in Pepsi is also respected, and its defeat will be slow. ——Sima Guang

3. People's intelligence and their own wise and road choices often fail. ——Jia Shuguang

4. The greater the hope of a person, the more opportunities he may have to fail. The longer he walks with a person, the more stones he will play. - Huang Yin

5. My main concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are willing to fail. - Lincoln

6. I want to rush to accomplish one thing in order to achieve the goal of speeding up, and the result always fails. - Aesop

7. The failure of most people begins with the ability to doubt what they are trying to do. - Scott

8. Failure is good for us. We have to bless the disaster. We are the children of disaster. -Roman Roland

9. The great man who died will never fail. - Byron

10. People often think that they are small and innocent, and that the greater failures often come from small guides. - Shelley

11. The secret of winning in life, only those who have failed are well aware. ——Wei Collins

12. My most important discoveries were inspired by failure. - David

13. When I was young, nine of the ten things I did failed. In order not to be willing to fail, I worked ten times harder. - Shaw

14. A person who is discouraged after a blow is always a loser. - Maugham

15. The easiest way to lead to a fiasco is to imitate the plans of the heroes of the past and use it in new situations. - Churchill

16. Many runners fail, and all fail in the last few steps. - Socrates

17. A person who is committed to great achievements must know to limit himself as Goethe said. On the other hand, people who want to do everything can not do anything, but ultimately fail. - Hegel

18. The failure of countless people is a failure to do things incompletely, often stopping only one step away from success. - Shakespeare

19. Errors cannot withstand failure, but truth is not afraid of failure. - Tagore

20. Before the failure, there is no such thing as a person. In the face of failure, everyone is a mortal. - Pushkin

21. The biggest reason for a person's failure is that they will never trust their own abilities fully; even they think they will fail. - Franklin

22. When failure is inevitable, failure is also great. - Whitman

23. Failure is the final test of perseverance. - Bismarck

24. Success and failure are only one wall apart, and no cost will be paid in vain.

25. Bitter, sweet and sour are all nutritious, success is a harvest

26. The fruit of success after failure has never experienced the fruit of success after frustration.

27. Laughing for success, even more laughing for failure

28. Those who do not find lessons in their failures, his path to success is far away.

29. Mill Lenard: "The punishment of laziness is not only your own failure, but also the success of others."

30. Dickens: Success is like a ladder. The "opportunity" is the long column on either side of the ladder. The "capacity" is the crossbar inserted between the two long columns. The ladder is useless only if the long column does not have a crossbar.

31. Vovinage: When people feel that they are not capable of achieving great success, they despise great goals.

32. John Clarke: Being honest and unpredictable hinders the success of your career.

33. Mil Lenard: The punishment of laziness is not only the failure of oneself, but also the success of others.

34. Aristotle: There are many kinds of errors, but only one is correct. This is why failure is easy to succeed and it is difficult to get off target.

35. Tang Gao Shi: Wan Li will not hesitate to die, but he will succeed.

36. Voltaire: The first king of mankind is a successful soldier, and the hero of the country does not need to have ancestors of glory.

37. Life is a mirror. When you laugh at it, it laughs at you; you cry at it, and it cries at you. ----Sakre

38. Phillips's famous saying: "Failure is the mother of success"

39. Born in the world, you must not do everything. Anyway, if you meet something disappointing, you don't have to be discouraged. You should make up your mind, and the idea is to fight back to this tone. - Mark Twain [beauty]

40. Even if you fall a hundred times, you must stand up a hundred times. - Zhang Haidi [中]

41. The failure of a person is a direct result of himself. - James Allen [beauty]

42. Those who do not seek lessons from failure; their path to success is far away. - Napoleon [method]

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