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Friendly quotes

1. Clothes are not as good as new ones, people are worse than others. - "Han Yue Fu"

2. Unity and mutual benefit, consistent. - Ouyang Xiu

3. A life of death, knowing friendship. One is rich and poor, but knows how to behave. A precious one, friendship is seen. - "Historical Records"

4. I didn’t say that I was drunk and I stopped taking a glass of wine. - Tao Yuanming

5. There is no shortage of young people in the life negotiations. - Du Fu

6. I don’t agree with each other, and I will revisit it from then on. - Bai Juyi

7. The end of life is at the end of the journey. - He Lanjinming

8. Enjoy music today, don’t forget it. - Cao Zhi

9. Meet the world, know how many people can be. - Feng Menglong

10. Juveniles know each other, and they are friends. - Han Yu

11. See you at a glance. - Luo Binwang

12. Knowing that it is in a difficult situation, it is also good to be good. - Li Bai

13. Cast the papaya and hold it to Qiongyao. I also believe that it is good. - The Book of Songs

14. The preciousness of life is known, and the four seas meet each other. - "Yanmen Set"

15. If you are close to your friends, you will not be bored. - Feng Menglong

16. The two are united and their profits are broken. - "Easy.

17. The baby is guilty and asks for his friend. - "Book of Songs. Xiaoya"

18. Le Mo Le is a newcomer. - Qu Yuan

19. Turning the neck. - "Han. Zhuge Fengchuan"

20. Knowing the world is rare. - Meng Haoran

21. Friends are thinking. - "The Analects. Zilu"

22. Insidious friendships allow you to get some negligible little benefits, but you need to deprive you of your treasures - independent thinking and pure love for truth! - Belinsky

23. True friends don't hang their friendships. They don't ask each other for friendship, but do everything they can do for each other. - Belinsky

24. The words of benevolence, the promise of benevolence, is easy to say, and only when you are in trouble can you see the true heart of your friends. Krylov

25. The true and sensible friendship is the most invaluable treasure of life.

26. Friendship in trouble can relieve suffering. - Shakespeare's "Luckles Insults"

27. Use the scorpion of friendship to eradicate the seeds of hostility and hatred, and then plant a harmonious tender seedling in the original place. -- Dickens "Antiquities Shop"

28. Friendship is not going to be emotionally bankrupt and disillusioned with happiness. If love gives more than its own ability, it will end up accepting more and giving less. This is the same for both men and women, and friendship can only grow. -- Balzac "Fake Mistress"

29. It is often our friends who make us wrestle. -- Hugo "Notre Dame de Paris"

30. Spiritual life is the same as physical life. There are both breaths and breaths: the soul absorbs the feelings of another soul to enrich itself, and then sends it back to others with richer feelings. There is no such wonderful relationship between people, and there is no life in the heart. It lacks air, it suffers and withers. - Balzac "Ou Ni Nio Grande"

31. People know each other, you are intimate.

32. According to general reason, people who are unreliable on one thing cannot do anything about it. -- Dickens "Bleak House"

33. Life is a gamble, only smart people can win; so the first thing to see the enemy's cards is not to reveal their cards. --Roman o Roland "John O. Christopher"

34. For those who have no enthusiasm and only have a stake, his "sacrifice" value is nothing. --Roman O Roland, The Battle of Love and Death

35. The best friend is someone who doesn't like to talk more and can communicate with you silently. --Golgi "Lonely Man"

36. Don't succumb to friendship and use people casually; but among those who are not equal, you still use the people you know, and it is better to use your friends than to use strangers. - Mark O Twain, "The Equatorial Tour"

37. Being good at literally flipping a pattern is easy to flow. -- Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

38. Integrity, sincerity, honesty, self-confidence, and loyalty to duty, these qualities can become ugly when they are misinterpreted. However, even if it is ugly, it has its greatness; their majesty is unique to human conscience, so it still exists in ugliness. -- Hugo "Les Miserables"

39. The face is a reflection of the inner state, and it is wrong to think that people's ideology has no color. His appearance is obviously a special state of mind. --Hugo "Smile Face Man"

40. Friends who came to the wine, wait until the wine is empty, and turn into a passerby; a black cloud has just appeared in the winter, these flying insects have long been hiding. -- Shakespeare's "Thai Gate of Athens"

41. As long as the flame of the soul burns on the candles in the relatives, the wings of friendship will not fall off and feathers. -- Dickens "Old Antique Shop"

42. Protecting those who love you, and supplying the necessary things to those who shine for you like stars, there is no more sweet thing. --Hugo "Smile Face Man"

43. I am a poor man. I am not poor. - Zheng Banqiao

44. The sea memory knows that the end of the world is close. - Wang Bo

45. The same is the end of the world, why have you met each other? - Bai Juyi

46. ​​With friends, life shows its full value; one lives to be friends; the integrity of one's life is not eroded by time, but also for friends. --Roman o Roland "John O. Christopher"

47. In terms of friendship, the world seems to be a small trader, and it can only sell the friendship in spite. --Roman o Roland "Mother and Son"

48. Friendship is not like mushrooms, it is not found in the woods; children! It is long in the heart. --Golgi "The Life of Matvi o Komenia Kim"

49. We should not be able to maintain friendship at any cost and thus defile it. If you have to sacrifice friendship for that greater love, there is nothing you can do; but if you can keep it, then it can really reach the perfect state. -- Tagore "Gola"

50. Earth, I am a stranger when you come to your shore. When you live in your house, you are a guest. When you leave your door, you are a friend. -- Tagore "Flying Birds"

51. Once a friend is in trouble or morally motivated, he seems to have no selfishness and always stands up and overcomes all odds. - "Mark O Twain Autobiography"

52. In the eyes of those who have the temperament, if the gift giver has changed his mind, the gift will be lost if it is expensive. --Shakespeare Hamlet

53. The two most mutually exclusive characters in the world come together, faintly rubbing against each other, secretly hurting each other, and centrifuging forever. -- Balzac's "Thirteen Story"

54. Friendship is always the aid of virtue, not the helper of sin. - Cicero

55. Stupid friends are worse than wise enemies. - Sakyamuni

56. Whoever wants to receive assistance in bad luck should be treated as wide on weekdays. - Sadie

57. People who attribute friendship to interests, I thought it was the most precious thing in friendship. - Cicero

58. Some people are not complimenting you, but none of them are friends. Shakespeare

59. Those who are ungrateful are falling into difficulties and cannot be saved. - Aesop

60. Friendship is really the most sacred thing, not only worthy of special respect, but worthy of praise forever. - Bujiaqiu

61. The villain who is afflicted with inflammation can't suffer together! - Byron

62. If you are smart, don't treat that person as a friend, if he is deeply involved with your enemy. - Sadie

63. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility and has never been an opportunity. - Gibran

64. Knowing friends. - Lenin

65. When you are happy, your friends will know us; when you are in trouble, we will know friends. - Collins

66. Abandoning your friends in an emergency is untrustworthy. - Aesop

67. Don't rely on gifts to get friends. You must contribute your sincere love and learn how to use a proper method to win a person's heart. - Surrag

68. Choosing friends should be cautious, and discarding should be more cautious. -Frangreen

69. Friends are defenders of sorrow, unhappiness and fear, and are jars of friendship and trust. - "Five Books"

70. Keep a certain distance between friends and make friendship last forever. - Charles

71. Mo Zhen’s ignorance has been ignorant, and no one in the world knows the king. - Gao Shi

72. The world is happy with Mo Ruoyou, the matter of quick friends is nothing to talk about. - Pu Songling

73. People know each other, you know each other, people know each other, you are intimate. - Mencius

74. The gentleman's friendship is as light as water, and the villain's hand is sweet. The gentleman is light and close, and the little man is willing to do so. - Zhuangzi

75. Near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink is black. - Fu Xuan

76. Life knows how to use gold and money. - Li Bai

77. Talk to a friend and have a letter. - Zixia

78. The turn of the cloth is unforgettable. - Li Yanshou

79. The gentleman and the gentleman are friends with each other, and the villain and the villain are friends. - Ouyang Xiu

80. Life is happy to know. - Wang Anshi

81. The family should not solve the problem, and each looks back. - Feng Menglong

82. In the affliction of the hero. - Wei Wei

83. Wan two gold is easy to get, and one is hard to find. - Cao Xueqin

84. Change my heart, for your heart, and know how to remember. - Gu Xia

85. Zhong Zi died, and Bo Ya did not repeat the drums for life. - "Han"

86. The mountains and rivers are not heavy enough to meet the knowledge. - Bao Yi

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