Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Hemingway’s famous sayings

1. It is silly to have no hope.

2. In the evening, remember with you that dandelion is thinking of the wind's refreshing tone tonight and remember that the sound of running water is standing on the ground tonight.

3. You can knock me down, but you will never defeat me. It’s my body that falls down, but you can’t beat my heart forever.

4. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.

5. Life always makes us bruises, but later, those injured places will become our strongest place.

6. There is a ruling class in a country, stupid, know nothing, and never know. The war is like this.

7. Every day is a new day. Fortunately, luck is good, but I am willing to do it. In this way, when luck comes, you are ready.

8. The mind is more rigorous and the appearance is simpler.

9. Now, instead of thinking about what is missing, think about what you can do with what you have.

10. A person is not born to be defeated, you can destroy him, but you can't beat him.

11. As long as you don't care about gains and losses, what else can you overcome in your life?

12. It is extremely easy to not feel anything during the day, but it is another matter at night.

13. People who love should not argue. Because they only have two people, the whole world is against them. As soon as they break down, the world will conquer them.

14. Paranoia is a weird thing. Paranoid people must absolutely believe that they are correct, and restraining themselves and maintaining correct thinking is the best way to encourage this self-righteousness and integrity.

15. Everyone needs someone to talk openly with him. Although a person can be very heroic, he may be very lonely.

16. In the calm sea, everyone is a navigator.

17. Everyone is frustrated in the world, and many people are the strongest in the broken place.

18. Life is not to be defeated. People can be destroyed, but they cannot be defeated.

19. God created man not for failure.

20. In the various affairs of life or occupation, the role of character is much greater than that of intelligence. The role of the mind is not as good as the mood. The talent is not as self-control, patience and law as the judgment.

21. Life is about the same as bullfighting. It is not that you beat the cow, or the cow kills you.

22. In this world, desire is not pain, he can make the feeling sharp, and is the inner symbol of one's youth.

23. People are not born to be defeated, one can be destroyed, but cannot be defeated.

24. Unless you have love, you don't know what happiness is.

25. Love is a game, just like playing bridge. But this is not playing cards, but calling. Just like a bridge, you have to pretend that you are betting on money or betting on something else. No one mentioned what the bet was.

26. These two shoulders are very strange, the people are very old, the shoulders are still very strong, the neck is still very strong, and when the old man falls asleep, his head is pulled forward, the wrinkles are not obvious.

27. It’s not difficult to go through the matter.

28. I was drunk on the bed at night, and I realized that life is not drunk. When I wake up, I have a strange excitement. I don’t know who I am sleeping with. In the dark, the world seems so unreal, and so exciting, so you have to pretend to be fake and think that this is everything.

29. It took us two years to learn to speak, but it took us sixty years to learn to shut up. Most of the time, the more we talk about, the farther we are from each other and the more contradictions. In communication, most people are always eager to express themselves, but they don’t know each other at all. I learned to speak for two years and shut up all my life. Understand and don't understand, not much to say. Be quiet and talk slowly. If there is nothing, don't say it.

30. Better than others, not noble, true noble should be better than the past.

31. Although men and women love each other, they often want to sit alone and separate, and they will inevitably attract each other’s suspicions.

32. But to put it bluntly, it is easy to have nothing to do.

33. The clouds over the land stood like a hill at this time. There was only a long green line on the coast, and there were some gray-green hills behind. The sea was blue at the moment, and the deep purple was purple.

34. As long as you don't care about gains and losses, what else can you overcome in your life?

There is never any ending to Paris and the memory of each person who has lived in it differs from that of any other.We always return to it no matter who we were or how it was changed or with what difficulities, or ease, It could be reached.

36. I have always believed that people who began to live more seriously in their hearts will start to live more plainly on the outside. In a time of luxury and waste, I hope to show the world that what humans really need is very small.

37. As soon as you have love, you will want to do something for each other. You want to sacrifice yourself, you want to serve.

38. As long as you don’t care about gains and losses, what else can you overcome in your life?

39. What we have born is what we never need to learn. We never absorb anything new.

40. The world’s most ruthless people, the most gentle people, the most brave people, are impartial and will always be treated.

41. I have been observing for a long time in the war and have not seen the so-called sacred, glorious things. The so-called sacrifice, it is like the slaughterhouse in Chicago. But the meat that was slaughtered here is not packed in cans, but buried in the ground.

42. I can't stand the thought that my life has faded so quickly, and I am not really alive.

43. When I love you, I feel that the ground is moving.

44. A person can be destroyed but cannot be defeated.

45. But none of these scars is new. They are as old as the eroded areas of the desert where there is no fish to fight. Everything in him looks old. Except for those eyes, they are blue like sea water, and they are happy and unwilling to admit defeat.

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