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Jane Eyre's famous sayings

1. If others don't love me, I would rather die than live, I can't stand loneliness and be hated.

2. It doesn't matter if you have a lot of differences in your lifestyle. Marriage should be cautious. Think about whether you can endure differentiating each other for a long time.

3. Do you think that because I am poor, low, not beautiful, short, I have no soul and no heart?

4. You are wrong! My soul is the same as yours, and my heart is exactly the same as yours!

5. If God gives me wealth and beauty, I will make it difficult for you to leave me, just as it is difficult for me to leave you now.

6. Men are not bad, women do not love, this is not a bad heart, selfish and ruthless. It means a slick tongue and a rhetoric. The average good man thinks that love is a slick, frivolous, so unwilling to do it. It’s not right to say this to others, but to your wife, you have to slick your tongue. Why can't you be a man with a good mouth?

7. It is said that marriage is the grave of love, it is because the road has gone to the grave before marriage. Even if you don't get married, you will break up in front of the grave. Why don't you break into the grave without breaking up first?

8. A woman who can only read a book is a dictionary. No matter how good people are, they will only look at it when they need it. The woman who only dresses up is just a vase. It will be like watching it for a long time. Clothing and beauty is a necessary condition for a woman, not a necessary and sufficient condition. You still need to read more books. Then you will find that life is better.

9. It’s true that it’s faint, it’s true, but it should be the dull after the passion, then the passion, and then the plain. Passion should be alternately wavy. What does it mean to have a life without a passion? If you really love him, you will have passion when you die.

10. Do you love him? Love tells him why he should hide his thoughts in the depths of his heart. I am afraid that the appearance, status, and identity do not match. Don't be afraid, it is good to love someone.

11. Don't fall in love for loneliness. Time is a devil. If you are a passionate person, even if you don't love each other, you will have feelings at the end. What do you do?

12. Don't get married for responsibility. Be aware that it is most irresponsible not to love each other but to marry each other. Even if the other party was sad at the time, it was better than letting him be sad for a few years or even a lifetime.

13. No matter how old or old, no matter how your family and friends urge you, don't treat marriage casually. Marriage is not playing cards. It takes a huge price to reshuffle.

14. There is basically no one who is right or wrong. He wants to leave you. There is always something you can't satisfy him. It is always good to think back to the days when you were together. Of course, there are also despicable emotional scammers. Their rhetoric is entirely for defrauding each other and going to bed. There are still very few such people.

15. People who have a lot of differences in their living habits don't matter. Marriage should be cautious. Think about whether you can endure differentiating each other for a long time.

16. Some people say that it is one-sided to find someone you like and to find someone who likes you. Lovers don't like what they have to love? Does the wife not like how to live for a lifetime?

17. If you really love someone, try to make him happy. If he is happy, you will be happy, then both sides will have passion.

18. Don't give up on the pursuit of the pursuit because you are not as good as the other. The appearance is just a temporary impression. The real decision whether or not to combine depends mainly on the personality of both parties. The handsome guy I have seen is equipped with an ugly girl, and the ugly girl is too much with a handsome guy.

19. Women must learn to dress themselves, don't use simplicity as a shield, don't use housework as an excuse, don't understand fashion, you are not a complete woman.

20. The time of love can be as long as possible. There are at least two advantages to this: First, full, enjoy the pleasure of love as long as possible, the feeling of marriage and love is very different. Second, the longer the two get along with each other, the more they can test whether they are genuine, the more they can see whether the two characters fit together. This way the feelings after marriage will be much stronger.

21. When asking if the other person is a virgin, think about whether you are a virgin, if so, you can, if not, what do you rely on?

22. Mature people don't ask the past, smart people don't ask the present, and open-minded people don't ask about the future.

23. Those who have been abandoned by fate are always forgotten by his friends.

24. Violence is not the best way to eliminate hatred. Similarly, retaliation can never heal harm.

25. Within the borders of desolate and rocky, it seems to be a captivity, the limit of exile.

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