Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Classic inspirational quotes

1. For the benefit of the country, life and death will be avoided. ——Lin Zexu’s “Going to the Dangdeng Pass to Show the Family”

2. The true one, sincere and sincere, not refined and dishonest, can not move. - "Zhuangzi Fisherman"

3. Don't be evil, don't be good or small. Only Xiande is able to serve people. ——Liu Bei

4. Proud of not being long, not wanting to be vertical, not being happy, not being full. ——Wei Zheng

5. Not proud to be proud, not to favor. - Zhuge Liang

6. Life is aspirations. - Zhu Xi

7. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the steadfastness of perseverance. --Su Shi

8. The journey of life is very far and dark. However, don't be afraid, there is a way in front of people who are not afraid. - Lu Xun

9. Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a process of learning. We should learn to be stable and calm in this process and learn how to find life from panic. ——Xi Murong

10. A man must be like a candle. In a limited lifetime, there is a point of heat, giving light and warmth. - Xiao Chu female

11. The so-called genius is nothing more than the use of coffee for others to work. - Lu Xun

12. Human hopes are like an eternal star, and dark clouds can't hide its light. Especially today, peace is not an ideal, a dream, it is the wish of thousands of people. - Ba Jin

13. We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. - Lei Feng

14. We love our nation, which is the source of our self-confidence. ——Zhou Enlai

15. The spring silkworms go to the dead silk, and the people will not stop. It is necessary to work hard to survive and to be a good young person. ——Wu Yuzhang

16. The enemy of learning is your own satisfaction. To learn something seriously, you must start from complacency. For ourselves, "learning is not tired", for others, "deaf people are tireless", we should take this attitude. - Mao Zedong

17. Mistakes and frustrations have taught us to make us more intelligent, and our feelings are better. Any political party, any individual, mistakes are always inevitable, and we ask to make fewer mistakes. If you make a mistake, you need to correct it. The quicker, the more thorough, the better. - Mao Zedong

18. One minute and one second is complacent, and in this minute and second, it stops the life and excretion that it absorbs. Only by accepting criticism can we excrete all the scum of the spirit. Only absorb the opinions of others. I can add spiritual new nourishment. - Xu Teli

19. Young and hard, the old man is sad. ——Han Yuefu Ancient Songs

20. The industry is diligent and absurd. - Han Yu's "Study of Learning"

21. One inch of time is one inch of gold, and it is difficult to buy inch of inch. - "Zengguang Xianwen"

22. Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improving. - "Zhou Yi dry elephant"

23. Those who are not strong are not wise. - "Mozi Slim"

24. Green, taken from blue and blue in blue; ice, water is cold and water. - "Xunzi·Encourage Learning"

25. Keep aspirations. ——Zhu Geliang, “The Book of Foreigners”

26. Husbands are all around the world. - Cao Zhi, "Gifting White Horse King"

27. Those who have aspirations will succeed. - "Han Han Shu Bi Biography"

28. It will be a top of the list. - Du Fu, "Wang Yue"

29. Years of cold, then know the pines and cypresses. - "The Analects of Confucius"

30. The sky will be reduced to a person, so people must first bitter their minds, work their muscles, hungry their body, empty their bodies, and do what they do. - "Under the Mencius

31. In the meantime, the dead wood is not folded; the perseverance, the stone is awkward. - "Xunzi·Encourage Learning"

32. Stone can be broken, but not hard to win; Dan can also grind, not to win. - "Lv's Spring and Autumn, Honesty"

33. Sincerely added, the stone is open. - "Han Han Shu Guang Wu Shi Wang Biography"

34. Worry can rejuvenate the country, and Yiyu can die. - "New Five Dynasties History, Eunuch Preface"

35. Lu Manman is a long way to go, I will go up and down. - Qu Yuan "Li Sao"

36. There is no need to forget the country. - Lu You "Sick from the disease"

37. The ruler is short; the inch is long. There is something wrong; wisdom is unknown. - Qu Yuan "Bu Ju"

38. If you have to work hard, the iron shovel is ground into a needle. —— Cao Xue, “Yongzhong Guangji·Pengshan County, Shangchuan South Road”

39. The rope saw is broken and the water is worn. —— Luo Dajing, “Helin Yulu”

40. Days, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not afraid of thousands of things. - "Mottos and Deeds"

41. The things of the world are often in a difficult state and are lost to extravagance. - Lu You

42. The soil is the mountain, and the water is the sea. - "Xunzi · Confucianism"

43. People are not sages. - "Training Customs Rules"

44. Being determined and brave, it is just the beginning. Just, the virtue of being born is also. - "Basic training, just reinstated"

45. Donate to the country and see death. - Cao Zhi "White Horse"

46. ​​The world is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible. ——Gu Yanwu

47. The husband does not serve the country and ends up being a poor person. ——Chen Gongyin, Shooting Tiger Shooting Stone

48. At the time of the crisis, the world was ignorant. - Bao Zhao's "Generation from the North Gate"

49. The determining factor for genius should be diligence. ...... There is a bit of hard work and hard work is proportional, - Guo Moruo

50. Self-consciousness is the mother of progress. Since self-confidence is the source of degeneration, it is indispensable to be self-conscious. ——Zou Yufen

51. Working hard in labor is the mother of all inventions. Everything works hard in labor, and becomes the truth of things. - Tao Xingzhi

52. It is the most commendable revolutionary quality that is not contaminated by sludge and is not eroded by bourgeois sugar-coated shells. ——Zhou Enlai

53. Those who know a little about things are not modest; those who have a lot of knowledge and skills must be modest. ——Xie Juezhen

54. Jiu Niu boasted that he would be overturned with pride. I have seen many things in ancient and modern times. ——Chen Yi

55. Ideal means a beacon. Without ideals, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life. - Tolstoy

56. Don't throw a pot of cream out because you have fallen into a cow's hair. Don't throw away your life because you made a mistake. --Mongolia

57. The sea of ​​danger, suspicion and denial surrounds the small islands of people, and the beliefs spur people and bravely face the unknown future. - Tagore

58. On the fate, life is not a barbaric person, nor a beggar. The human beings are surrounded by real and noble wealth - the wealth of the body and the soul. - Horace Mann

59. If only the fire can awaken the sleeping Europe, then I would rather burn myself, let the light from my firearms illuminate the long night, open those closed eyes and bring humans into the light. The hall of truth. - Bruno

60. The height of the fountain does not exceed its source; so is the cause of a person, and his achievements will never exceed his beliefs. - Lincoln

61. Going toward a certain goal is a "ambition". It is "qi" in the middle of a sigh of relief. The combination of the two is "ambition". The success or failure of all careers depends on this. - Carnegie

62. No matter what happens, please accept life quietly and happily, bravely, boldly, and smile forever. --Luxembourg

63. If a person is afraid of pain, fears all kinds of diseases, fears of unpredictable things, fears of danger and death of life, he can't stand anything. - Rousseau

64. It is always inevitable that people will be ups and downs in their lives. It won't last forever as the sun rises, and it won't fall forever. Repeatedly floating and sinking, for a person, it is tempering. Therefore, if you float above, you don't have to be proud; if you sink below, you don't need to be pessimistic. We must be optimistic and enterprising with a straightforward and modest attitude. - Matsushita Yukisuke

65. Laziness, like rust, consumes more body than labor; the keys that are often used are always shiny. - Franklin

66. Life is like an anvil, the more it is beaten, the more sparks it can make. - Galileo

67. Anyone who struggles is true gold and is not afraid of fire; no disillusionment can shake their faith: because they knew at the outset that the road to faith and the road to happiness are completely different, and they cannot choose, only Going this way, everything else is a dead end. This kind of self-confidence is not something that can be cultivated overnight. You must not expect those children around the age of fifteen. Before getting this faith, I have to suffer with grief and tears. But this is good, it should be like this...——Roman Roland

68. Suffering can test a person's character, and a very situational situation can show a very strong atmosphere; in a calm sea, all ships can compete and win. When the fate of iron boxing is at stake, only the talents of Dayong and Dazhi can be calm;......——Shakespeare

69. When everything seemed hopeless, I watched the stone-cutting worker on his stone and struck hundreds of times without seeing any cracks. But in the 100th time, the stone was split in half. I realized that it was not the blow, but the front tapping made it split. ——Jack Rees

70. Melons are the sweetest grown up in nutrient fertilizers, and genius is best in malignant soils. - Bacon

71. Don't think of the past as lonely, because this will never turn back. You should think of ways to improve the present, because that is you, without fear, to brave the courage to move forward. - Longfellow

72. Although pessimistic people are still alive, optimistic people are immortal. - Byron

73. A person with strong minds, property can be plundered, but courage is not deprived. - Hugo

74. Faith is a great emotion, a creative force. - Gorky

75. Optimism is a passionate and beautiful march, always inspiring you to move forward to the cause of your career. - Dumas

76. Tenacity can conquer any peak in the world! - Dickens

77. Life is like the ocean, and only strong-willed people can reach the other side. - Marx

78. Gold is certainly valuable, but an angry, brave patriot is more valuable than gold. - Lincoln

79. We have to eat, sleep, play, and love, that is, we have to touch the sweetest things in life, but we must not succumb to these things. - Mrs. Curie

80. The water of the drip can eventually wear the big stone, not because of its strength, but because of the dripping of the night and night. Only through diligent efforts can we get those skills, so we can say with certainty: Nothing is not a step, no matter how many miles. - Beethoven

81. It is not a bad thing, nor a shame, to walk through a detour and make mistakes on the road of scientific exploration. It is necessary to admit and correct mistakes in practice. - Einstein 88 Our ideals should be noble. We can't climb to the top, but we can climb halfway up the mountain, which is much better than staying on the ground. If our hearts are illuminated by the brilliance of love, and there are ideals before us, then there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome. - Prem Chand

82. It is not a bad thing for a person to walk through a detour and make mistakes on the road of scientific exploration. It is not a shame to be able to recognize and correct mistakes in practice. - Einstein

83. Success cannot be measured by what position a person achieves, but rather how many difficulties and obstacles he has overcome in the process of his success. - Booker Washington

84. Whatever I do, I am always thinking, as long as my energy allows me, I will first serve my country. - "Pavlov's Anthology"

85. A person is like a clock, and his actions determine his value. - Payne {United Kingdom

86. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of a short and risky life. - Einstein

87. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn! - Ostrovsky

88. The most important thing in life is to have a lofty goal and to achieve it with perseverance. -John Lufgan von Goethe

89. In any industry, the first step towards success is to be interested in it. - Sir William Osler

90. Strong beliefs will win strong people and then make them stronger. - Walter Beckyjo

91. A person can succeed in almost anything he has infinite enthusiasm. - Charles Scober

92. If you want to be a force in the crowd, you need to cultivate enthusiasm. People like you more because of your heart and enthusiasm; and you can escape from the boring mechanical life. There is nothing else, because human life is like this. Putting the soul into the work, you will not only find that every hour of the day becomes more enjoyable, but also people will believe that you are just like we are using generators. I believe in electricity. - Jonathan Oden Amore

93. A person cannot give others confidence unless he has confidence; a person who is convinced can convince others. - Matthew Arnold

94. Value creates confidence, confidence generates enthusiasm, and enthusiasm conquers the world. - Walter H. Keitham

95. Honesty is part of the eloquence; we are convinced by our ardent and sincere desire. - William Harriet

96. Lucky is a great teacher, but unfortunately it is even greater. Having will condone ideas, but lacking can train and strengthen thoughts. - William Harriet

97. The creation of every genius must be the product of enthusiasm. - Benjamin Dissari

98. Be confident and go all out - if you have this idea, everything will be successful - Wilson

99. Self-confidence is the first step towards success - Einstein

100. Believe in yourself, then others will believe in you. -Roman Roland

101. If you want to succeed, use perseverance as a good friend, experience as a reference, take care as a brother, and hope as a sentinel. - Edison

102. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you will learn to suffer hard. - Turgenev

103. The most difficult profession is how to be a person. - Jose Marti

104. Wisdom, hard work and genius are higher than noble and wealthy. - Beethoven

105. Ideal is the road star. Without ideals, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life. --Leo Tolstoy

106. Great goals form great people. - Emmons

107. Aspirations and enthusiasm are the complements of Albert. - Goethe

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