Inspirational quotes

Weibo often used inspirational quotes

1. Teach "German" to your children: It is virtue rather than money that makes people happy. This is my experience. It is morality that supports me in adversity, so that I have not committed suicide, and it is moral in addition to art. —— Beethoven

2. If morality is corrupted, fun will inevitably fall. - Diderot

3. I would like to prove that anyone who acts with kindness and nobleness will be able to bear the trouble. —— Beethoven

4. Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because virtue is the power and anger of the soul. - Rousseau

5. I am convinced that only ethical citizens can give acceptable respect to their homeland. —— Rousseau

6. Let us take the reputation as the heaviest part of the penalty! —— Montesquieu

7. A sound judgment of the factual problem is the true basis of all virtues. —— Comenius

8. The realization of virtue is made by behavior, not by words. —— Comenius

9. Virtue is as famous as it is. When it is burned or squeezed, its fragrance is more and more fragrant. Fortune is the most revealing evil and bad luck is the most revealing virtue. —— Bacon

10. Those who conspiring to frame others will be unfortunate first. - Aesop

11. The wise man would rather prevent the disease from happening before, and he should not heal the disease; he would rather overcome the pain and avoid the solace for pain. — Thomas More

12. Extravagance is more than desire. If a gentleman wants to be rich, he will admire the riches. —— Sima Guang

13. Extravagance is to extract and to be humiliated; when it comes to grace, it is no need for people, and it is self-defeating. —— Luo Dajing

14. People who are full of joy and struggle spirit will always have joy and welcome the thunder and the sun. —— Huxley

15. Life is fighting. —— Corroenko

16. In order to play our part in life, love life. - Rodin

17. Hope is attached to existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, it is light. —— Lu Xun

18. The dark night is a prelude to the day. —— Guo Xiaochuan

19. When a person uses his work to greet the light, the light will soon shine on him. —— Feng Xuefeng

20. I hope that your younger generation will be able to shine like a candle, and have a point of heat, loyalty and practical contribution to the great cause of mankind. The dictionary of youth, without the word "difficult"; the orality of the youth, there is no "obstacle". ——Li Dazhao

21. A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything. -- Ostrovsky

22. I never think of ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of a pig pen. —— Einstein

23. There is also a driving hub in a people’s country. This is virtue. —— Montesquieu

24. People cannot live like beasts, and should pursue knowledge and virtue. —— Dante

25. Don't be evil, don't be small. Only Xiande is able to serve people. —— Liu Bei

26. Do not suffer from the disrespect of the position, but not the virtues of virtue; not shameless, but shameless. —— Zhang Heng

27. The city wall of Tu Fu Ke, the virtue is thick. —— Li Bai

28. Do a good thing, be calm in your heart; do an anecdote, and hold your eyes. —— Shen Hanguang

29. It is the most commendable revolutionary quality that is not contaminated by sludge and is not eroded by bourgeois sugar-coated shells. —— Zhou Enlai

30. The most sad thing for a person is not the death of a conscience. —— Guo Moruo

31. Being shy is an emotion of fear or fear of humiliation that prevents people from committing certain despicable behaviors. —— Spinoza

32. It should be eager to act on ethics rather than ethics. —— Democritus

33. Feelings are greatly inspiring, and as such, they are an important prerequisite for all moral behavior. ——Kellof

34. Without great character, there are no great people, no great artists, great actors. ——Roman Roland

35. Reason is higher than the mind, and thought is more reliable than feelings. —— Gorky

36. The virtues of those who have virtues are only tempted by the lack of temptation; this is not because their lives are monotonous, or because they concentrate on one goal and do not care. —— Duncan

37. Human beings are given a job, that is, spiritual growth. -- Leo Tolstoy

38. People should be clear-minded in wisdom, morally innocent, and physically clean. —— Chekhov

39. Conscience is determined by human knowledge and overall lifestyle. —— Marx

40. Law-abiding and conscientious people will not steal even if they have urgent needs. However, even if a million dollars are given to a thief, there is no way to expect him not to steal. —— Krylov

41. The most promising winners are not talented people, but those who are best at exploiting opportunities to discover Tiantuo. - Socrates

42. If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. —— Goethe

43. Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. —— Ibsen

44. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. -- Leo Tolstoy

45. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. -- Leo Tolstoy

46. ​​Life is only emptiness and boring in the eyes of ordinary people. —— Chernyshevsky

47. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. —— Einstein

48. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of a short and risky life. —— Einstein

49. Do you love all beings, don't love life? Love the extremes of life, and then love the group. —— Autumn 瑾

50. Life is like this cup of strong wine, it will not be so delicious without three times of refining! —— Guo Xiaochuan

51. Knowing shame is almost brave. —— Kongqiu

52. Disgrace is no greater than shamelessness. —— Wang Tong

53. The gentleman is worried that he is not worried about poverty. —— Kongqiu

54. Poor and innocent, rich and arrogant. —— Zigong

55. If it is strong and cost-effective, then the day cannot be poor. —— 荀 荀

56. Extravagant and lazy are poor, but powerful and prosperous. —— Han Fei

57. The journey of a gentleman, quietly to cultivate, to cultivate morality, not indifferent to Mingzhi, non-quiet and far-reaching. —— Zhuge Liang

58. The extravagant is a sinister, and a fierce one is in front of him. —— Bai Juyi

59. If you don't think about peace of mind, you can't take advantage of it; you can't ask for it because of the roots. —— Wei Zheng

60. Looking at the former sages and homes, the successes are ruined by luxury. —— Li Shangyin

61. The ancestors took the two rivers alone, and the descendants were mostly descended from the city. After the success of the luxury, Yi Le Anzhi and the disaster double? —— Wang Anshi

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