Inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes for chasing life dreams

1. As long as you can harvest sweetness, there will be busy bees in the thorns.

2. Enterprising and sweating is a song of struggle and hope.

3. Life is sweet or bitter, but it can't be tasteless. You can win or fail, but you can't give in.

4. To open up your Internet cafes to your wonderful hopes and pursuits, 999 times lost, and a thousand times...

5. Opportunities are only open to those who are proactive and enterprising, and mediocrity can never be patronized.

6. Those who walk only on the concrete floor will never leave a deep footprint.

7. The meaning of vitality lies in hard work, because the world itself is an arena.

8. The character of the waves is that it has been crushed by the reef countless times and countless flashes to the reef.

9. Because the eucalyptus is rooted in the deep soil, the green shade of life will grow longer and more lush. The scorpion enjoys the same treatment as the seedlings, but it is not the grain ear.

10. Pride is a kite that has broken its lead and is fleeting. Inferiority is a bird that has cut wings and is difficult to get into the sky. Both of these are taboos of success.

11. If the sapling refuses to trim because of the pain, it will never be finished.

12. After a tempering of the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

13. The rapids of life have emerged into the cliffs, and as long as they go further, they will become magnificent waterfalls.

14. Go ahead, sway the boat of life, without attachment and trust, and the ship that breaks the waves will open all the new flowers all the way.

15. There is a silent desire in each of us: a desire to create a glorious life. This craving sometimes happens inadvertently in a quiet moment, such as when we rest our head on a pillow at night. When the pressure of the day fades away, there is a voice that will shock our soul: "Life is not only like this, my life can be more brilliant."

16. Many people have learned to accept a life that gives up their dreams and is only comfortable with the status quo. But sometimes at our most innocent glimpse, we will hear that distant call again: calling for a fulfilling, purposeful, passionate, and meaningful life. This call will always linger on the ear, as if accompanied by shadow, even if we try to silence it with reason and maturity, we will eventually find that it is a flame in our bones that will never go out.

17. Our intuition is correct. The story of life can be more exciting, and we are a character in this story. There is a saying that what a person does in his life should be able to leave a mark on the eternal history of mankind.

18. If you are ready to find your life goals, then follow that voice. Go back to the place where you can hear it most clearly. For some people, this sound will be in the early morning, before the start of a busy day. For others, it will appear when listening to music, watching movies or reading. It may also appear as they walk through the woods or hills.

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