Inspirational signature

13 years of QQ signature inspiration, persistence and hard work, can round your dreams

1. People always need a little spirit to live. If there is no spirit to support our soul, then there is no difference between walking and walking. Ideals, beliefs, goals, pursuits, emotions, responsibilities... are all such a spirit. In just a few decades of life, let the limited life burn to the maximum and maximize the energy. Even if you can't be vigorous, you can't hang around. In this way, it is worthy of the gift of life.

2. In the journey of life, whether it is flat or smooth, muddy or low, it should be calm. Because in this world, there is no paradise of paradise, no one can be freed from the shackles of the world. All we can do is climb up more than once, and use sweat instead of saliva. Only in this way can we let Life is sublimated in the hardships. We must firmly believe that life has not gone through the hurdles, and we will meet the challenge of destiny with courage.

3. Everything is determined by attitude: Beware of your thoughts, they will become your language; beware of your language, they will become your actions; beware of your actions, they will become your habits; beware of your habits, They will become your character; beware of your character, it will become your destiny.

4. Don't close yourself because you are afraid of others. You must know that someone is talking about you, that others know you, care about you, and if no one is talking about you, no one will care about you; it is because they are self-enclosed and refuse to interact with others.

5. If you cry, no one is coming, don't be afraid, just study hard; if there is no one to accompany, don't worry, just study brave; if you are bored, no one cares, don't worry, just study and bear; if When you are tired, no one depends, don’t panic, just study self-reliance. The broken scorpion can become a butterfly; the horses must ride the grassland first; how can the young eagle soar in the blue sky, want to be born again, must be transformed, and want to grow must be honed!

6. Everyone has a dream in their hearts, their dreams are beautiful, but the road to realizing their dreams is tortuous. Countless people have suffered numerous twists and turns on the road to realizing their dreams. However, they still make great strides forward; It is a big goal that one has set for himself. He must face it seriously, persist, and live through it. A dream is realized. A person who realizes his dream is a successful person.

7. When you feel that you can't stand it, wait, maybe it's the closest to success. The pain is always accompanied by happiness. It exists to help us deepen our understanding of happiness. Don't be afraid, if you want a strong child, you will be blessed by God. He will appear when you can't go. If it does not appear, it means that he believes that you can stand alone!

8. Life needs to be soaked in hardships. Without pain, life is less colorful and heavy. Only the flowers that bloom in the wounds are the scenery that accompany us silently. Don't care about small grievances, sadness is just the embellishment of your mood, not the shackles that restrict your soul. The inscription, it is carved on the stone monument of the soul; the forgotten, it is integrated into the tears of catharsis. Let us borrow from the hardships and be strong in the forbearance.

9. Staying up late is because there is no courage to end this day; bed is because there is no courage to start this day. Complaining is because there is no ability to seize the opportunity; regret, because it does not cherish everything in front of us.

10. What really lights up life is not the scenery of tomorrow, but the hope of good. With good hope, we walk bravely, fall down and climb again. If we fail, we will work hard again. We will always believe that tomorrow will be better. We will always believe that no matter how ordinary we are, we will have our own happiness. This is the ordinary life. The most splendid scenery.

11. Smart people must learn to be kind to themselves. There are always so many failures, setbacks, pains and sufferings in life. Please don't lock your mind at this time; please don't let your mind be covered with dark clouds; please don't let go of all the good things in life, open your heart. When unfortunately comes to you, learn to love yourself and say to yourself: "All this will pass, cherish every inch of life."

12. Those who can control the morning can control their lives. If a person can't do it early, can you still expect him to do something on this day? The ancients said that the day is in the morning, and the year is in spring. I can't catch it in the morning, how can I catch the day?

13. Think carefully, life has many difficulties and failures, can only be regarded as a series of uncoordinated vibrato in the song of the years. Through diligence and hard work, you can still play the sound of life music, and you will also win a warm applause! Poverty, disease, and even more disasters in life are the fate that approaches you to create and cherish the opportunity to start again. Let you have a hard time coming.

14. If you know that you are doing nothing wrong, then you will continue to do so, and ignore the ridicule of others. On the contrary, if you feel that something is wrong, then let the people around you condone and how to seduce, you must reject them.

15. The road to life is forced to come out. Don't force yourself, you never know how much you can do. Cut off the retreat, you will naturally find a way to find a way out; cut off the illusion, you will work hard. Forcing yourself to step out of the first step, the second and third steps are much easier. If you don't force yourself, laziness will gradually rust your heart, and once the pride will be wiped out, the value of life will be greatly reduced!

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