Inspirational article

Your life is created by you

An old carpenter is ready to retire. He tells the boss that he wants to leave the construction industry and go home to enjoy his family and his wife.

The boss was reluctant to leave his good worker and asked if he could help build another house. The old carpenter said yes. But everyone can see later that his heart is no longer at work, he uses soft materials, and is out of rough work.

When the house was built, the boss handed the key to him.

"This is your house, this is the gift I gave you."

The old carpenter was shocked and stunned and shy. If he knew that he was building a house for himself, how could he do this? Now he has to live in a shoddy house.

Are we doing the same? We carelessly build our own lives, do not act positively, but react passively, do not want to keep improving, and do not want to do our best at the crucial moment. When we were shocked by our situation, we were already stuck in the house we built.

Your life is the only creation of your life, you can't smooth out reconstruction. To make your living house beautiful and strong, you must carefully knock in each nail, add each board, and erect each wall.

What kind of effort and effort you put into it will give you the corresponding fruits. Never underestimate the learning of each day. They are all the "one nail" and "one board" that your "house" needs.

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