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An old photo

Today my grandmother told me the story that happened during a war. Grandma took an old photo from the bag and looked at the old photo. I felt so sad.

This old photograph was taken when the Japanese invaders invaded China during World War II, and the Shanghai Railway Station was bombed into ruins by the Japanese. There was a child in the ruins, and his parents were killed by a bomb dropped by the Japanese. The child looked at the dead parents and cast a horrified look in his eyes.

The child pushed his parents with blood-stained hands and shouted: "Daddy, why don't you move? You wake up!" The child was still motionless and disappointed. The unbearable pain and the silence of his loved ones made him cry.

What is the fate of this lonely child in the future? I don't know, maybe he may be adopted by a wealthy family, and it may be very difficult to survive, but in the age of war, his biggest possibility is death!

Grandma’s story is over, and my tears are flowing down. The brutal war has caused many people to lose their precious lives, and the delicate "flower of peace" may be burned at any time. I feel that in order to maintain world peace, the whole world should act in concert to maintain peace and stop war. Let the world of tomorrow be a home of mankind full of sunshine, peace and love.

The fourth grade of Chaisang Guoxiao, Jiujiang Mountain, Jiangxi Province: Mei Yuqi

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