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Because we are bitten, we are not afraid of the defects of others.

No matter how big the rain is, the eagle will not be afraid, because he has a home; no matter how much the wind blows, the butterfly will not be afraid, because he has a home; no matter how many people do not understand, we should do what we should, because we Have a heart. I am not afraid that other people do not understand, I am afraid that I have regretted not doing it! What to do, be brave; do not do it, how others can teach you to do it, or do it. No longer afraid of the picky eyes of others, afraid of anything!

We are all apples that God has bitten. Maybe your defects are too obvious. It is because God prefers your deliciousness!

Since they are all bitten, why are you afraid of the eyes of others who have also been bitten!

Fourth grade: Li Nuo

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