Secretarial knowledge > Report letter

Report letter

Xxx People's Procuratorate:
In order to combat economic crimes, the ranks of pure cadres and the prestige of the party in the eyes of the people, we now report the criminal facts of Li ___ that we know as follows:
Reported by: Li _______, male, ______ years old, is the factory director of ________ city _______, live _____ city ______ district ______ street ______ number.
Li _______ served as the factory director of _______ from ______ years ______ months. During his tenure as director, Li _______ arbitrarily recruited unemployed youth Chen _______ to serve as the manager of our factory _______. Since then, Li and Chen have colluded with each other and sold ________ for profit. ______Year ______ Month______ Day, Li ____ will be ____ ton of our factory steel, allocated to Chen _______, Chen sold by ________ yuan; ______ year ______ month, Li _ __ is also assigned to Chen ___ disk yuan steel ____ tons, Chen sold by ________ yuan, _____ years ______ months to ______ months, Li ___ also pulled to Chen ___ A few times steel and other materials, Chen ___ how to deal with is not clear. In order to express gratitude to Li ___, Chen ___ gave ___________ yuan to ______ on ______ ______ ______.
Since the party Central Committee proposed to punish corruption, Chen ___ premonitions that the big things are not good, all day uneasy, resigned in ______ years ______ months. Chen _______ is unclear after resignation.
In order to continue to operate the business of the factory _______ sales department, the factory sent staff to clear the account of Chen _______, and found Li _______ hand-written receipt. However, the financial department of the factory did not report it, and it intended to cover it up. The relevant evidence of the above facts is now stored in the Finance Section of our factory. Wang People’s Procuratorate quickly dispatched personnel to investigate and deal with it.

__________ factory insider
____year month day

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