Secretarial knowledge > Inaugural speech

Personal job search letter

I am from X University.

X University is a key training ground for XX talents in China. It has a long history and excellent traditions, and is known for its rigorous academics and educated people. The XX Department of XX University is one of the national XX discipline bases. In such a learning environment, I have benefited a lot from both intellectual ability and personal quality.

In the past four years, with the strict teaching and personal efforts of my teachers and friends, I have a solid professional basic knowledge, systematically mastered the relevant theories such as XX and XX, familiar with the common etiquette of foreign-related work, and have a good English listening, speaking and reading. Ability to write, translate, etc.; be proficient in computer office software. At the same time, I used a wide range of books in my spare time, which not only enriched myself, but also cultivated my own skills. More importantly, rigorous study style and correct learning attitude have shaped my simple, steady and innovative character.

In addition, I actively participate in various social activities, seize every opportunity and exercise myself. After four years in college, I deeply felt that working with outstanding students has enabled me to benefit from the competition; to challenge practical difficulties and let me grow up in setbacks. My ancestors taught me to be diligent, responsible, kind, and upright; Renmin University of China has cultivated the style of seeking truth from facts and pioneering spirit. I love the careers that your organization is engaged in, and I sincerely hope that under your leadership, I will contribute to this glorious cause; and continue to learn and improve in practice.

At the time of writing, I solemnly put forward a small request: Regardless of whether you choose me or a respected leader, I hope that you can accept my sincere gratitude!

I wish you a happy career!


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