Secretarial knowledge > paper thank you letter

A tribute to the graduation thesis

This graduation thesis can be successfully completed. It is not the merit of me. It is the result of all the teachers who have guided me, the classmates who have helped me, and the support, encouragement and encouragement that have always cared for my family. I want to express my deep gratitude to them here!

Thanks to my instructor, Teacher Wang Xiangping, without the careful guidance of you, there is no successful completion of this paper.

I am grateful to the teacher, Mr. Niu Yongbin, for four years of living, but I have learned too much from you and will benefit for life. Thanks to all the teachers at Jinan University who have taught me the course. It is you who are tireless and have the present.

Thanks to my parents, without you, there will be no me today. Your support and encouragement will always be the biggest driving force to support me.

Thanks to Chen Xiaofan, the Annon Auditorium is sweating, the sun and moon lakes are strolling, and the greenery is filled with wine... The most memorable memories are you. Thank you for laughing and laughing together, no matter when, please don't forget your original dream.

Thanks to Xinyue, we walked together in the darkest days. For the sake of our dreams, we will never give up. One day, we will meet again in the paradise of dreams.

Thanks to Becky for helping proofreading, and the successful completion of the thesis also has your credit; thanks to Helen, who is always at home, every time he comes back, when the "revolution" is most needed, thank you for your care. I have lived under the same roof for four years, thank you for the bit by bit.

Thanks to all the friends and classmates around you, thank you for your care and tolerance in the past four years. The colorful era that you have walked with will be the most precious memory of my life.

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