Secretarial knowledge > paper thank you letter

Master's thesis credits

Thank God, so that I can successfully complete my thesis. Looking back on the master's study and research work for more than two years, I have received enthusiastic help and strong support from many teachers, classmates and friends in my studies, research and life. Here, I want to express my sincere gratitude to them!

First of all, the final draft of today's paper is more carefully guided by my teacher, Associate Professor Yang* and Teacher Zhang. The two teachers provided me with a good experimental environment, and at the same time gave me a lot of extremely helpful suggestions and specifics in scientific research. The guidance, and devoted a lot of effort in the writing and review of the paper. In addition, Teacher Yang cares about me and takes care of me in life and thought. Here, I once again express my gratitude!

Secondly, I am very grateful to the lab for the help of the ***, ***, ****, ***, ***, *** masters, which have greatly helped and supported my study and research work. In my research work and thesis writing, they all gave me valuable comments and suggestions, and expressed their deep gratitude.

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Once again, especially thanks to a group of classmates and friends +, in the good times of living and working together, the sincere encouragement and selfless help you gave me is unforgettable.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and relatives for their care and spiritual support in life for many years. I can grow up so much, I can still have the opportunity to study, or even graduate from a master's degree. I really don't know what to say to you. Who is arrogant, and reported San Chunhui. A thousand words into a grateful words: hard work!

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