Secretarial knowledge > paper thank you letter

Graduation thesis thank you

This article was completed with the guidance and strong support of XX teacher. Teacher X has an important influence on me with his rigorous and realistic academic attitude, high professionalism, conscientious work, courageous work style and bold and innovative enterprising spirit. Her profound knowledge, broad vision and keen thinking gave me deep enlightenment. At the same time, I also learned a lot about microbial fermentation during the graduation design process, and the experimental skills have been greatly improved.
In addition, I would like to especially thank my sister for guiding me on the experiment and the writing of the thesis. She has provided great help for me to complete this paper. I would also like to thank the XX and XX students for their selfless help, so that I can successfully complete the thesis. At the same time, the XX teacher in the lab also helped me from time to time, and I sincerely thank him.
Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers and classmates who care and help me.

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