Secretarial knowledge > School management system

National Small Academic Reporting Hall Safety Management System

Safety Management System of the First National Academic Report Hall of Changjiang Road
1. The lecture hall is an important activity place for teachers and students. The management personnel must conscientiously do a good job in safety and security. When the event is over, the door must be unblocked. When the person leaves, the window must be closed.
2. The use of the lecture hall implements the leadership approval system, non-essential activities may not be activated, idlers are prohibited from entering, and are usually closed.
3. The facilities and equipment in the lecture hall are expensive, and the management personnel should always check it to ensure good performance, perfect functions, and find out the faults in time.
4, the power supply layout is reasonable and standardized, the informal electrician is not allowed to pull the power supply when the activity is active, and pay attention to cut off the power during the inactivity.
5, no smoking, use of open flames, pay attention to fire safety work.

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