Party group related > Party program

Party program

According to the Party Constitution and the "Working Rules for the Development of Party Members of the Communist Party of China", the procedures and procedures that must be performed by the party are:
The person applying for membership in the party submits an application for membership to the party organization.
The party organization appointed two official party members as the training contacts for the activists who requested to join the party.
Conducting more than one year of training for activists who are required to join the party.
Short-term intensive training for development targets.
Fill in the "Participation Letter" seriously and earnestly.
The branch committee solicits opinions from the relevant people inside and outside the party and conducts a rigorous review.
Hold a branch meeting discussion, make a resolution, and report to the higher party organization for approval.
Prior to the examination and approval of the higher-level party organizations, special personnel were assigned to review the "Part-Party Volunteers" and related materials, widely listened to the opinions of the people inside and outside the party, and talked with the applicants for further investigation.
The party organizations at the higher levels collectively discussed and tried.
The approved probationary party members swear to the party for the party flag.
After one year of preparation for the probationary party members, they will submit a written application to the party organization and submit their opinions through the party group. The party branch will seek opinions from the people inside and outside the party, and the branch committee will review it. After the discussion of the branch meeting, it will be reported to the higher party organization for approval. For the official party members.

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