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The difference between joining the party's voluntary book and joining the party application

What is the difference between a party’s voluntary letter and an application for joining the party?

The application for joining the party was initiated by the applicant spontaneously, and the "Participation in the Party" was submitted to the applicant by the party organization. The application form only indicates the individual who applied for the party.

Attitude, and filling out the "Participation in the Party" marks the organization's attitude towards the applicant.
The application for joining the party is written entirely by the individual, and the "Participation in the Party" must record the entire approval process. It is prescribed by the applicant, the introducer, the interviewer and the party organization.

Provisions and requirements are filled out.
The application is more flexible in writing, and the "Participation in the Party" can only be filled in strictly according to the prescribed columns.

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