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In June 2019, the teacher joined the party to apply for a correct application.

Dear party organization:
I was approved as a probationary member on June 5, 2019, and will expire on June 5, 2019. Now I solemnly apply to the party organization for a corrective application.
Since being approved as a probationary member on June 5, 2019, with the strict requirements of party organizations and the selfless help of party members, the political and ideological aspects have been greatly improved through their own active efforts. In particular, by participating in organizational life and party activities, he learned the party’s glorious traditions and style, deepened his understanding of the party’s purpose, strengthened party spirit, and further realized that being a qualified Communist Party member must not only solve the problem of joining the party. The problem, more importantly, is to solve the problem of joining the party on the ideological side. In the past year, the harvest has been very large, and the report is now reported to the organization as follows:
First, it is clear that Communist Party members must unify the lofty ideals of communism and the spirit of hard work. Before joining the party, I realized that Communist Party members must have lofty ideals and have the spirit of fighting for life for communism. However, how this "great ideal" and "the spirit of struggle for life" are reflected in real life is not ten clear. After joining the party, after a year of party education, I realized that "great ideals" and "the spirit of struggle for life" must be closely integrated with their real life and practical work to reflect their practical significance, especially in peacetime. "The spirit of struggle for life" is more reflected in the courage to undertake tasks in my job, not afraid of difficulties, due diligence, not shrinking at difficult times and critical moments, and working hard is the most for the life of communism. Good practice. Over the past year, I have been diligent and dedicated in practical work, bravely shouldering heavy burdens, overcoming many difficulties, undertaking a large number of lectures, and successfully completed various teaching tasks. I have been trained, tested and improved in practical work.
Second, it is clear that Communist Party members must be consistent in politics and actions with the Party Central Committee and resolutely support the party's line, principles, and policies. As a member of the Communist Party, we must consciously agree with the Party Central Committee and be politically sensitive. To this end, I actively participated in party class study and related activities organized by the Party branch, earnestly studying the spirit of the 16th Party Congress and the important thinking of the "Three Represents."
Third, it is clear that to be a qualified party member, we must constantly improve our ability to serve the people. As a university teacher, to improve the ability to serve the people, on the one hand, we must constantly improve our own political and theoretical standards, especially to improve our understanding and understanding of the party's various lines, guidelines, and policies. On the other hand, we must study hard in our own teaching positions, constantly expand our areas of professional knowledge, improve our teaching practice skills, and strive to open more new courses and special skills. In the past year, under the premise of completing the teaching work, I have undertaken the main research tasks of two scientific research projects, published three professional papers in formal academic journals, and improved my business standards and scientific research capabilities in the process of scientific research.
Fourth, it is clear that Communist Party members must give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role. The Party Constitution stipulates that members of the Communist Party of China are pioneers of communist enlightenment of the Chinese working class. You can't relax your requirements at any time and under any circumstances. Therefore, after joining the party, I am more strict with myself, work hard, work diligently, care about the collective, and care for my colleagues. During the period of concurrently serving as a welfare committee member of the trade union, I thought that the majority of teachers should serve and guide the work as a guiding ideology, and actively cooperate with the chairman of the branch to do a good job in the trade union work of the department, actively come up with ideas, find ways, and strive to do more practical work for teachers. The cohesiveness of the trade unions has made unremitting efforts and won praises from teachers.
During the preparatory period of the year, I did some work in accordance with the above-mentioned understanding and played the role of a party member. However, according to the criteria of party members, there are many shortcomings and deficiencies in the examination and control. Under the aid and education of party organizations, some have overcome them, and some still need to make corrections in the future. The main shortcomings are as follows: First, there is irritable emotions in the work, lack of patience; second, only focus on business learning, participation in trade unions and cultural activities is not active enough. In the future, I will work hard to correct the shortcomings with the help of the party branch and all party members. I urge the party organization to review and approve my application for correction.

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