Fan Wen Daquan > Holiday Celebration > Yuan Lan Festival > Yuan Lan Festival Blessing

Lantern Festival funny blessing newsletter

· The person who receives my blessing will never be fired; the person who reads will fly to the Emperor Tengda; the person who stores will love sweetly; the person who removes will be lucky again and again; the salary of the person who has been forwarded soars! Happy Lantern Festival!

· Remember the military training under the tree that year? The instructor said: The first row counts. You looked at the instructor with surprise, and the instructor said it again: Count! So, you reluctantly turned around and hugged the tree! Happy Lantern Festival!

· You rushed into a certain unit, swearing: Is this the Animal Protection Association? Staff: Yes, who is bullying you? The Lantern Festival is happy.

· Flashing the stalk of D, avoiding the crowds in the US election, avoiding the explosion of mine disasters and bypassing the tsunami in Southeast Asia. After all kinds of dangers, just to say to you: Friends, Happy Lantern Festival!

Dear, tell you a secret: the first time you see you, you will be attracted, black hair, bright eyes, prominent sexy lips, beautiful body. Ah! My German black shell. Happy Lantern Festival.

· May you be sweet with you every time of the day, and peace is with you every minute of your time, and willing to spend the second of every minute with you. The Lantern Festival is here, may you be sweet and happy!

· A drunkard accidentally fell from the third floor, attracting passers-by to watch, a policeman came over: What happened? Drunk: I don't know, I just arrived. Happy Lantern Festival.

· A man wants to jump off the building, his wife shouted: Dear, don't be impulsive, our road is still growing! After the man listened, he jumped down. Police: You shouldn't threaten him like this! Happy Lantern Festival.

· Grandmother and granddaughter are in the clinic. Untied the clothes, the doctor said to the pretty girl. No, the doctor, the old lady said: I am a patient. Doctor: Then stick out your tongue. Happy Lantern Festival.

·When I have the right, let the Forbidden City be your bedroom, Shenzhou No. 6 as your special plane, the Chinese Grand Theatre as your practice singing room, Hangzhou West Lake as your swimming pool, enough to say! Happy Lantern Festival!

· I polished Aladdin's lamp, the lamp god said: I will satisfy you with a wish. I said: Please bless the people who are watching the newsletter and have a happy life.

· Today I saw you again. You are so charming, wearing a plaid vest, walking leisurely, a look of detachment, it is very cute. I really don’t know how you played the rabbit in the past. Happy Lantern Festival.

·Year spring, spring and spring you are happy; one summer, summer and summer you are developed; year after autumn, autumn and autumn you harvest; year after winter, winter and winter you succeed. Happy Lantern Festival!

· Don't miss you because of the change of season, don't forget you because of the passage of time. Are you still at the zoo? Is the tiger still bullying you? Does the monkey still laugh at you? Is it still accustomed to seeing the newsletter with a small front paw? Happy Lantern Festival!

· One day, a tiger chased a crab, chasing after the crab disappeared. The tiger turned back and found a spider on the tree. The tiger smiled and said that I don’t think you were on the net. Happy Lantern Festival.

· One person will hand 2000 yuan to the clerk: buy a Santana. The female clerk is very confused, the humanity: Isn't the door written with Santana 2000? Female clerk: You go to the opposite side, where the banquet 600! Happy Lantern Festival.

· You are very creative, living is your courage, ugly is not your intention; just God has a temper, you have to live bravely. Happy Lantern Festival.

· "Orange lamp", "Xenon lamp", "Colorful sheepskin lamp", "Boneless wheat straw lamp", "Walking lantern", "Kongming lamp", the lamp lights illuminate your future path, I wish you all the best, good luck!

· Spring night lights, a few sings and sings; the beautiful scenery, Wanjia 箫管乐丰年. Three-five good Liang, the lanterns spit in the new year; the first year of hope, the bright moon shines the festive season; the Lantern Festival is happy!

· I hope you know that someone is always caring for you. Someone always misses you, the Lantern Festival lights, is the eyes of your smile, it is adorned on my heart, night and night.

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